
ブラックベリー開花 Blackberries flowering


The fresh leaves of deciduous trees in the park are at their most beautiful this time of the year.

The Japanese maple tree with red leaves against the background of green trees makes a nice contrast.


My blackberry, Navaho from the US, has started to bloom.  The plant's roots are now so established that the shoots that come out every summer are getting larger every year.  So, I keep just 2 shoots for the following year, and remove any following shoots during the rest of the summer.  By the time I harvest all the berries, new shoots for the next year will have come out and I cut down the old ones from last year, on which berries had been growing.

Some of the flowers have many petals, instead of the usual 5.

And, some of them are pink instead of white.

A cup shaped pink flower looks like a pretty wild rose.

My favourite Hanza has started to flower.  I love this variety best of all, even though I admit that there are countless rose varieties in this world with more beautiful looking flowers.  I have two more of this Hanza, growing on either side of the Navaho blackberry.

This plant is still young, so the shape of the flower can vary depending on the time of the year or the temperature at the time of opening.  Whatever shape it takes, I love this variety best.

Flower buds waiting for their turn behind the first flower.