
リンゴに蕾 Flower buds on apple trees



I bought Granny Smith and a red-flesh variety called "Kurenai-no-Yume" in February last year - both cooking apples.  These trees have flower buds already, having started as bare root one-year old plants.  I am so excited.

This photo is from the Granny Smith tree.  Just one cluster of flower buds this spring, so it is very precious to me.

I have tried to follow the spindle method but I am not sure for how long I can adhere to it, since I grafted another variety on this tree a few months ago.


These are from Kurenai-no-Yume - 2 clusters of flower buds.  Their progress is behind that of Granny Smith since the clusters are still facing downwards.  The neck of the cluster will grow longer to allow the cluster turn upwards.

This tree has more branches and looks better than Granny Smith.


This is Kogyoku, an old variety that was introduced to Japan from the US more than 100 years ago (the original name not known).  I am keeping this as the pollinator for the two varieties above.  The shelf life of this variety's fruits is very short.

This tree was plagued by the stem borer 2 years ago.  Although the tree did not die, it still has holes in its trunk, so I cannot expect too much from this one.  Hopefully, the scions grafted on the above two varieties will become sufficient as pollinators.