
スモモ苗到着 New plum plants arriving




Two new plants arrived this afternoon: both Japanese varieties, 'Honey Heart' on the left, and 'Riou' on the right.  I buy the fruits of Honey Heart from a local shop every summer, so I know the taste.  Riou is said to have a superior taste as well as having highly fragrant flesh.  They said on the shop site that both were 'new plants', meaning plants from 2021.  However, it is obvious that Honey Heart is a year older than Riou.  They must have been running down on stock because, after I placed my order on Honey Heart, it went 'out of stock' immediately.  As far as I am concerned I am thrilled to have an older plant since it means I can harvest that much sooner.

On closer inspection of Honey Heart, I can see that there were flowers until recently. 

Riou on the left, Honey Heart on the right.

They cut the roots without hesitation when they packed the plants.  For a seasoned gardener, this means that the plants will grow rapidly.  However, for an amateur like me, this is a bit worrying - still, I am up to the challenge.

Anyhow, I have planted them in 30cm pots with the trusted soils from the local garden shop.  I am getting so excited, imagining how they grow new branches this summer. 😊💖