
公園で At the park


It started to rain in the afternoon yesterday and the rain lasted through the night.  As a result, the air in the park this morning was quite tolerable although the humidity was there.  The apple trees have lost most of their leaves, looking like late autumn.

One of the Japanese crab apple varieties called 'Alps Otome'.  It is small, but tastes just like regular dessert apples, according to the plant catalogue.

Red spider lilies growing among hydrangea plants.

More red spider lilies, growing at the foot of a Hibiscus mutabilis plant.

This hibiscus variety is in bloom from mid summer to late autumn, which makes this plant valuable in the park, particularly at the height of summer when there are few plants flowering due to extreme heat.

The spider lilies must be very tough, growing in a spot like this.


The passion fruit plant on my balcony is starting to flower again.  Based on the experience of last year, after the summer harvest, the plant produces flowers in September and the resulting fruits will ripen in late January-early February of the following year.  By that time, being outside, the plant was pretty dead and I had to dispose of it after harvesting.
This year, I am going to cut back these vines in November so that the plant will survive the winter indoors.  This means, any fruits from the current flowering will not be ripe when I take the plant inside.


朝散歩 Morning walk


Another hot day today, and Taiga has just taken some water at the small park behind the green fence.  She is now resting in the shade.

Pink abelia is blooming again.  This variety is not as conspicuous as the white variety.  Nor does it offer the strong perfume of the white one.

Taiga is absolutely exhausted from the heat and walking, so when I signalled to go home, she followed me happily.

A very striking flower that I saw on our way home.  This household keeps several potted plants looking like banana plants, and today one of them is flowering.

Only after I came home, I installed the GreenSnap app.  Perhaps I can go back to that house and check the name of the plant.


シャンプー後 After shampoo


I had not shampooed Taiga since sometime in August and her feet were smelling really strong.  As to her body, luckily, the Kaiken is an odourless creature in general.  So, I washed her this afternoon and we braved the scorching afternoon sun to go to the Johoku Central Park.  Thanks to the heat of the sun, the surface of Taiga's coat got dry very quickly.

We went up to the middle level of the park, where

some of the trees were starting to look autumnal. 

We then went up to the top of the park and enjoyed the deep shade, sometimes coming out of it for Taiga's benefit.

ヒガンバナなど Lycoris, etc


The lycoris flower season has started and I see lots of them blooming in my neighbourhood.  Mine also started to come out, but not very many this year.  I think I try to grow too many plants in a very limited space, with the result that many of the plants become weaker every year, be they flowers or fruit trees.

My favourite red lycoris- the flowers are getting fewer every year.  I must start clearing the weeds and pots so that this flower feels wanted in my garden.
Lycoris radiata


As we were taking a walk this morning, I saw a tree with pretty flowers.  The out of season flowers are concentrated on a small branch of the tree but eye-catching enough.

I have seen this plant in the shop many times but they were always small, standing about 25cm, flowering in tiny pots.  I never knew they could grow this large.  I think this plant basically is meant for the enjoyment of the silver leaves, but to me the flowers are also very pretty.


朝散歩 Morning walk

公園手前の 涼しい屋敷林のなかでタイガを休ませていたら、突然、一羽のハシボソカラスが舞い降りてきました。何か餌を期待しているのでしょうか。

On our way to the park, we stopped at the privately-owned woodland which was open to the public.  A raven flew down from nowhere and stared at us.


As we rested, the bird would not leave.  Since there is a vegetable farm beyond, there must be lots of insects for him to eat.  So, he was probably staying there out of curiosity. 

When we reached the park, we stayed in the shade enjoying the breeze.


On our way home, we met a new face: a female, 4-month old Shelty puppy, named Sora.  According to her owners, Sora is not keen on going out for a walk and she was being carried by her mom until I took my camera out.

Sora tries to go back to mom's arms.

Having been refused by mom, she now appeals to her dad.

She did not want to face the reality that there was a bigger dog nearby.

As Sora was the first puppy for the young couple, I thought of demonstrating the effect of allowing Sora to take a sniff at Taiga's rear end.  It worked.  After that, Sora felt comfortable enough to greet Taiga.  Moreover, as we were leaving to go home, Sora made a move as if to come after Taiga. 


朝散歩 Morning walk


It was incredibly humid this morning - so muggy that the sweat on my neck started to sting the skin.  However, it did not bother Taiga and we had a very long walk, wandering on both sides of the Shakujii River.  As we went up a steep path, I noticed that the field that used to be a vast tree nursery was gone.  Instead, the land was flattened with just a portion of it being used for growing vegetables.  The old man who used to manage the nursery has probably given up?

He used to supply young plants to the plant shop near my house.

As I was taking a small rest, a huge black Labrador caught up with us.  Taiga and I have seen him during our night walks on a few occasions, somewhere near this area, but we introduced ourselves today for the first time.

His name is Ashley, 3 years old, and weighs 35g.  Although not obvious from the photos, he is way larger than Taiga who weighs 25kg.  
It turns out that we are neighbours, living on either side of a road.  She even remembers seeing my Navaho Blackberry at the height of its fruiting season, with the blackberry canes hanging over the garden fence at the side of the road.

Ashley was so docile that you wouldn't have thought he was only 3 years old.

He allowed Taiga to take a sniff.

We started walking together.  Soon, I spotted an amazing plant.  It is the night-blooming jasmine - a very overgrown one, too.  The original part of the plant reaches the eaves, while the rest is just overflowing away from the house.  It is supposed to be a tropical plant and I used to have a potted one which I kept indoors during the winter.  Every part of this huge plant had flowers and we could still smell the perfume although it was already morning.


朝散歩 Morning walk


After the usual walk, we decided to go home via Moroyama Park and Persimmon Park.  The citrus tree on the roadside in front of a block of flats seems to have more fruits than last year.

Considering the tree's location, it was probably planted by a resident who was moving out of the flat, many years ago.  This tree remains robust even in the coldest period of winter and, together with the large size of the fruits, it is likely to the bitter Japanese orange, a very old cultivar that has gone out of fashion.

A new park which was completed earlier this year.  The currently residential area spreading between the Johoku Central Park and Moroyama Park will be eventually connected.  This new patch in the photo used to be the head office of a bus service operator.  Some private households have also moved away and the remaining residents are feeling the gentle pressure from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to do the same.

The Moroyama Park.

The deciduous trees have lost half of their leaves during the summer.


Wild flowers protected.

The Persimmon Park across the road from the Moroyama Park.

Taiga relaxing.

This persimmon tree provides welcome food for wild birds when fully ripe, including the Indian Ringneck parakeet.

It seem to be a bumper year.