
パンザオ棗その後 Panzao jujube


I have decided to encourage the new shoot to grow into an alternative tree trunk, rather than remove it and continue to hope that the existing tree trunk would come alive.  Truth be told, I have only about 5 months left for this year, since jujube trees come out of dormancy late in spring and yet go into dormancy earlier than other plants.  


The new shoot has been growing since I first noticed it last week.

梨ナツメ(Li jujube)は米国では人気の品種で、梨棗の改良品種である山西梨棗(Shansi Li jujube)とともに苗が広く流通しているよう。Youtube の映像では「Li には狂暴なトゲがある」と言ってカメラの焦点を当てている人たちがいます。
Spikes are becoming visible.  According to a sight in China (translated into English), the Panzao was discovered as a bud mutant around 2012, in a farm growing Li jujube trees in Shanxi Province.  After repeating the process of selection, they established this new variety.
According to some US videos on Youtube, the Li variety has vicious spikes.  Then, it would not be surprising if Panzao also got spikes.  I think I can manage the spikes by snipping them just as I do with my Yuzu plant.

The shape of the large leaf is so different from the common Japanese jujube leaves'.

先日届いた「皇帝」ナツメは、3本のうち一番上に位置する枝がもう10 cm近く伸びています。日差しがカンカン照りの日でも枝の先っちょがクタッとならないので、根っこが植え付けのショックから回復したようです。
この苗のトゲは容易に管理可能だと思います。新梢の根元には3-4ミリの赤いトゲらしきものがあったのですが、指の腹で簡単に取り除くことができました。苗の下の方のには木質化したトゲがありましたが、これらは1 cmくらいの短いもので、全てハサミで除去しました。
The new jujube plant that I got recently has been doing exceptionally well.  The tips of new branches stay firm even on a sunny and hot day, which suggests that the roots have completely recovered from the shock of replanting.
With this plant, spikes seem so small and manageable.  I noticed thorns of 3-4 mm at the base of new branches.  When I rubbed them with the flat of my fingers, they easily fell off.  Lower down the plant, I saw old spikes but they were only about 1 cm long which I removed with a pair of pruning scissors.

Flower buds have started to open.


公園で At the park


A nice blue sky for a change from the rains.  We went up the Moroyama Park, since we had not been there for a few months.

The Japanese maple trees now have full branches with green and red leaves.

Taiga enjoying the cool grass of the morning in the shade.

We descended towards another park nearby, walking through a path on the other side of the Moroyama Park.  Probably it being a weekday, we never saw anyone.  It was so quiet that it was hard to believe that we were walking in Tokyo.

This brand new park was opened to the public in early summer last year, after allowing the grass to settle for several months.  Apart from the several young cherry trees, there is nothing in this place.  The ground rises towards the centre of the park but that is the only feature.  What were they thinking when they designed this place?

It was getting warm and we crossed the road to another field where there were mature cherry trees.  Taiga enjoyed the rest under the tree before going home.  Judging from the way she holds her ears, she is concentrating all her senses to see when I might pull out the treat (or, she is trying to remind me).


フィンガーライム Finger limes


I bought these 3 little plants on 12th April this year.  This is how they looked then.  From left to right, New Yellow, Purple Bliss and Durham's Emerald.


And now, they look like these.  Due to the way I took the picture, they may not seem much different  but they have grown significantly.  

This is New Yellow with 7 young fruits.  Since the colour of the young fruits is almost the same as that of the leaves, it is difficult to find them even for me.  I have to stare at the plant every time I try to count the growing fruits.

Purple Bliss has even more fruits than New Yellow, so I do not bother to count.  New branches have started to come out but, if they cannot provide sufficient nutrition to the fruits, I may lose them, anyway.

Such an elongated shape of the fruit.

Durham's Emerald had only a few flowers, unlike the other two varieties.  I used to grow this variety and it was a large and mature plant which cost a lot of money.  Sadly, it never had more than 5 or 6 flowers every year and never produced any fruit, before it died.  I am beginning to think that this is not a very productive variety.

This is the only fruit and it is very small - it may drop off any day.

The white fleshed seedling had an abundance of flowers this spring.  For some reason, these two fruits started to grow much faster than others.  The plant continues to flower even today, and it has lots of tiny fruits as well.  Those other fruits are smaller than the leaves and not easily recognisable in a photo.

These two fruits may mature during the summer.  I can think of a few ways to use them - salads, pickles, and in desserts.

Mia Rose must have flowered during winter when I kept this plant indoors, and this is the fruit that I noticed at the end of winter.  This plant had lots of flowers in spring, too.  However, they are still too tiny, as in the case of the seedling tree above.


ラズベリーなど Raspberry etc


I bought 2 pots of Ruby Beauty ('Raspberry Shortcake' in the US) in January 2022.  One of them died in autumn last year.  When I emptied the pot, there came out 9 grubs of longhorn beetles which had eaten up the precious roots.  So, I planted the remaining one in the ground immediately.  Although squeezed into a tight space, the plant looks much healthier than it did in a large pot.


I picked the ripe berries for tasting.

They were very sweet, and the seeds were insignificant.  This variety is ideal for a small garden like mine and it seems hardy, too, so long as I do not grow it in a pot.

The young apple fruits are doing well.  This is a red-flesh variety and it has already reached the size of a ripe crab apple variety called 'Alps-otome'.

The Granny Smith bloomed before the red-fleshed apple, but the fruit is smaller as of today.  Eventually, I think this one will grow larger than the red-fleshed variety.  (I have never seen a fully ripe Granny Smith apple since, in England, they sell them when they are still green and small.)

The white spots on the green skin is the hallmark of this variety.


サツマイモの立体栽培 Growing sweet potatoes vertically


I saw an interesting video on Youtube from overseas last winter.  They planted sweet potato cuttings using a tall bag.  This way, it seems you can save space, harvest more potatoes, and it would be easier to get the potatoes out of the soil, since you do not have to dig into the ground.

I made the bag myself, using a picnic tarp that I got from a 100 yen shop many years ago in order to have picnic lunches with Taiga.  It got so old and dirty that I was going to throw it away, until I thought of re-using it this way.  To sew the tarp into a bag, I used the kite string.  
Now, the tarp is a weaved product just like the dish cloth in the kitchen.  If I water too much, dews seep out all over the bag, as if the bag were sweating.  So, there is no worry about excessive moisture in the soil.

We had a break from the rain for several hours yesterday and I did all the work of sewing the bag, carrying bucketful of soil upstairs several times, and then planting the cuttings.  The cuttings are from the potato that I buried in a pot of soil during winter this year.  This variety is floury and dry - the type I used to love as a child in Toyama Prefecture.  I can rarely find this type of sweet potatoes nowadays in Tokyo, since the sticky and moist type is all the rage.  
For the soil, I added no fertiliser since the soil in my garden is too rich in nutrition for sweet potatoes.  The rim of the bag is tucked outwards and, if I need to add more soil, I just have to unfold the tuck.

I placed the bag under the shelf that I have been using for passion fruit plants for the last few years.  I am going to create a 'green curtain' with the potato vines, allowing them to grow to about 2 meters.  (In the Youtube video, they kept the vines much shorter.)


蟠棗(パンザオ棗) Panzao jujube


何と、穂木が生きている証拠、芽吹きです! でも、場所が.....  これは邪道と言わずにはいられない。何でわざと残しておいたあの節からではなく、根元から?

We had a warm rain overnight in the Kanto region.  The rain stopped by noon today and I went to check on my Panzao jujube upstairs.

Behold - a sign of life!  But not in the right place...  Why so close to the ground?

I am convinced that the new shoot is from the scion wood.  The part surrounded by red is the root stock which was almost swallowed up by the scion.   Happily, the new shoot is situated just above the fusion point.

What about the one node on which I pinned all my hopes?  Nothing is happening yet.
The way the plant was kept in the nursery field in China was so bad that this plant is covered with bug holes.  As a result, I am not sure how much lividity this tree trunk has in order to nurture the node.  The nutrition has to travel up only 20 cm above the ground to reach the node but, so far, it is not working.  As a result, I am wondering if I should still rely on this node and remove the new shoot, or, leave the node alone and just concentrate on the new shoot as an alternative trunk.

The reason why I sound pessimistic about the strength of the tree trunk is this↓.
The trunk is covered with numerous deep wounds getting beyond the cambium layer.

Many of the scars are running diagonal, which reduces the continuity of the cambium layer.

Here, you can see a deep hole, exposing the core of the tree trunk.
I am going to sleep on it before making any decision tomorrow.


公園で At the park


The pomegranate tree in the park has started to bloom.  This is a flowering variety and not for getting fruits.


The branches were swaying in the strong wind and the spectacle was quite dramatic.


Taiga relaxing in the background, giving no thoughts to the beautiful flowers.

A treat before returning home.  I manage to make chicken jerky even in this humid season.  So long as it is sunny all day, the sheer heat of the sun dries the chicken slices quite effectively.