
レモン等 Lemon etc


On the upstairs balcony, Lisbon lemon (left) and Hoshi Tangor (right) each has two fruits growing.  For Hoshi Tangor, the balcony gets too hot during summer and leaves turn almost yellow.  So, the plant was kept inside the glass doors until late October.  This plant has never been re-potted since I got it many years ago, and the roots are probably in a weakened state.  Luckly, I successfully grafted a scion onto the Caracara orange tree growing in the ground during summer this year.  It took me several times to get it right, since this plant had hardly any round branches - this is probably due to the plant being unhealthy.


Lisbon lemon had countless young fruits in spring, but in the end only two of them survived.  I was so worried that too many young fruits might weaken the plant, so I picked many of them.  After all, the plant knew how many fruits it could support.  So, I am going to do nothing from next year.  Still, having only two fruits means that they are huge.

Hoshi Tangor's fruits are about the same size as those of the Lisbon lemon.  However, the harvesting time is April of the following year, and the fruits continue to grow slowly during the winter months.  This variety has a very delicate and beautiful taste.  I cannot understand why it is not distributed in shops.

The Emperor jujube has lost all the leaves and non-permanent branches.  Without them, it is easy to see that this tree is thornless.  Since there is little information on the internet, I do not know whether this variety is thornless, or if it is just this particular tree.  Whichever is the case, it is easier to look after the plant without thorns.

Taiga resting while waiting for lunch after the morning walk.  I know that she would rather sit outside looking at passersby but, given the freezing weather of the last few days, I hesitate to keep her outside, just in case strangers think I am not taking care of her properly.


朝散歩 Morning Walk


For this morning's walk, Taiga chose the neighbourhood.  There is a beautiful miniature Osmanthus heterophyllus tree in full bloom, growing next to a house.

This miniature version has much smaller leaves, compared with the regular variety.  They both have flowers with fragrance, and the miniature version's scent is much stronger.  The growth habit is very slow, and it takes many years to reach the height of 1 meter.  This tree is at least 1.8 meters tall, so it must be quite a mature one.

花の香りにうっとりしていたら、タイガが退屈したのか自分の用を足し始めました! 風情も何も理解しないヤツ。
As I was lost in the flowers' scent, Taiga must have been bored and started doing her own business!  She does not understand the delights offered by nature in each season.

As we walked on, we met Himeko, a female Corgi (her name is printed on the shirt).  She was one of the two girls who taught manners to Taiga when she started going to the park as a newly arrived puppy.  Even now, when Taiga gets too excited, Himeko scolds her.

Himeko's dad is the person Taiga loves the most out of all human beings in this world.  She does not care even if Himeko gets mad at her.  Taiga's ears are pushed back flat, and her tail is wagging to the right.

Himeko tries to stay calm, while Taiga continues to be excited.

Looking at her dad, "Isn't that enough?"

Looking at me, "Are you OK with this?"

Looking at her mom, "Do something."

"Ah, well, it's not often that we meet nowadays."


公園で At the Park


Yet another day with a blue sky.  When we left the house, the breeze was chilly but, by the time we arrived at the park, it was getting really warm due to the strong sun.

At the entrance of the park, we met Curry, a male Shiba Inu, whom we had not seen for a few months.  He is always happy to see us.

タイガと挨拶の後 私に投げかけた視線がいかにもオヤツを要求していたので、それには応えず別々の方角に向けて散歩を続行。
After greeting Taiga, Curry's eyes towards me were asking for a treat.  We both were just starting the walk in the park, so we parted to continue our walk without any treat.

As we walked through the woods, every time there was a breeze, autumn leaves showered down on us.
Such a beautiful sky and fresh breeze.

As we were walking along the river, we ran into a new friend whom we normally see during our evening walk in our neighbourhood.  A young Labrador-Cocker Spaniel cross, named George.  A breeder actually produces puppies with this combination.

George looks like a small Labrador, but I can see some Cocker Spaniel traits sometimes.  As to his personality, thanks to the combination of good-natured breeds, he is super friendly.


From time to time, I get a craving for crisps.  The small packets that are sold in the shop disappear in one sitting, so I made them myself today.  The bag on the left is with salt and Cajuns seasoning, and the one on the right is with salt and green seaweed.  After shaking the contents in the bag,

they will be kept in airtight Tupperware boxes.  I will go through them slowly after daily jogging.


午後散歩 Afternoon Walk


Recently, I seem to spend most of my day walking with Taiga.  When I went out to a greengrocer's after 2 p.m., I took her with me, although normally I go there alone on my bicycle.  On our way home, I had to carry a heavy bag and at the same time control her whimsical walk.  She was still not satisfied at home, so we went out again (a third walk today), and headed for the next district.  Taiga spotted a cat and came to a standstill.

I never let her go, but for the cat, its safety is at stake, so, it kept glaring at Taiga with a low growl.

We walked further to reach the next district, where Taiga found another cat, this time sitting in a bush.

The cat seemed to know that, if ever Taiga lunged at her, it could rush into the bush to stay safe.  So, the cat seemed to look down on Taiga.

We headed towards the other side of the valley.

We came to the handkerchief tree in front of a house on the other side of the valley.  The last time we saw this tree was in spring and it was covered with white handkerchief flowers.  Now, the seeds are there.

I never expected to see such large seeds.  I am already looking forward to next year's flowering.

The mube (Stauntonia hexaphylla) vine on a fence of a house nearby - the time of picking the fruits is long gone, but they are still there.

Not surprisingly, the fruits have gone half rotten.  I have never tasted these fruits, but they are said to be very sweet.  In old days, they were presented to the Imperial Court every year.

Taiga and cherry tree leaves.

The day turns into evening very rapidly now, so we hurried home.


食用菊 Edible Chrysanthemum

もう蚊がいない季節で天候も良いので、私がスーパーを回って買い物しているあいだ、タイガは玄関前に座って留守番をしています。 帰宅してからご褒美にタイガの大好きな乳酸菌飲料をあげました。

Mosquitoes are gone, and the weather is fine, so Taiga sits outside the porch while I am away doing shopping.  As a reward, she gets her favourite probiotic drink when I return home.

A Western breed dog might show more joy at a time like this, but Taiga remains calm.  Being the only dog in the house, she does not have competition.  However, if I bring out a treat when other dogs are around, years of training goes out of the window, and she nearly eats my hand as well.

The second pot of the edible chrysanthemum plants that I bought in spring this year has started to bloom.

They are medium-sized flowers with firm petals.

The flowers of the first pot have nearly finished.  The apple trees standing next to the chrysanthemum pot are cooking apples.  This spot was occupied until this autumn by a plum tree called 'Sai-no Hime'.  The quality of the plums varied widely between larger fruits and small ones, as if they were of different varieties.

Granny Smith on the right, and 'Kurenai-no Yume' on the left.  Kurenai-no Yume is a red-flesh variety.  I keep them in pots since I want to till the soil with kitchen garbage and fertiliser until autumn next year.  The trees will be kept in the spindle-shape, which will save space.

Last batch of chrysanthemum flowers for this year.

I picked a few pink flowers in order to add another colour.

After blanching, the petals were seasoned with sweet and sour dressing (similar to the one I make for sushi rice).  This is from half of the flowers in the above picture.