During our morning walk, we met Ume, our neighbour's Kishuken girl. Since we do not meet often, the two seemed quite happy.タイガにはあまり興味はなさそうですが、私にはとても愛想が良いです。
During our morning walk, we met Ume, our neighbour's Kishuken girl. Since we do not meet often, the two seemed quite happy.ダイエット効果でくびれが出たタイガのおなかを写真で残すためにポーズをとらせました。今年の5月に胸の脂肪腫を摘出したのに加え、正月以来ゆっくりと減量したのとで、生活態度が快活になった印象です。手術して本当に良かったと思っています。
I took a picture of Taiga, showing the effect of her diet which started in January this year. After removing the lipoma from her chest in May, together with the benefit of slimming, she seems to have become much more active and alive. Although I was worried about the general anaesthetic operation, I am now very pleased with the way it has turned out.
We moved to the field at the higher ground of the Johoku Central Park, sat down and relaxed.
ピンク系の食用菊は今年は振るわなかったけど、冬至芽が出始めているので来年は場所替えして是非 増やしたいです。
The pink edible chrysanthemum barely survived the extreme summer this year. Luckily, several new shoots for next year are coming out already. I will replant them in a spot with less exposure to the sun next year.
We have had several days of blue sky and dry air, which we associate with winter in Tokyo. The trees in the Johoku Park are turning colourful and it is nice to observe their progress every day.