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新年おめでとうございます Happy New Year!



Happy New Year!  Thank you for visiting this blog last year and I hope you will continue coming here in the future, too.

We are having an unusually mild weather which makes daily walk very enjoyable.  The sasanqua trees in my neighbourhood are in full bloom.  They come into season one after another and it is such a spectacle to watch.  After the sasanquas in November to the end of January, we can look forward to camellias during January to the end of March.


正月用の花 Flowers for the New Year


I am in the middle of the 'big clean' ahead of the New Year.  This is customary in Japan and I cannot welcome the New Year without doing it however I hate cleaning the house.  After scrubbing the tiles and walls of the gate and the porch yesterday, I placed the  pink winter chrysanthemum that I bought for the coming festive season.

This plant should be in full bloom over the New Year period.

After the unusually hard work with the cleaning yesterday, I went to the JA this morning to look at the flowers.  I was particularly interested in the orchid I saw several days ago.  It was still there, although its siblings had disappeared from the shelf.  This is a miniature version of the normal cymbidium, called 'table cymbidium' for its size.  However, before I picked it up,

I also saw these normal sized ones, which are quite large.  One of them, the one in the back, particularly caught my eyes.

The other two plants had only 2 flower stems each, but this one has 2 stems with open flowers and, in addition, it has 2 stems with firm flower buds yet to open.  The three plants were all priced at 2,000 yen.  Considering everything, this plant seemed such a good value.  Also, compared with the 'table' one priced at 2,500 yen with only 1 flower stem, this with 4 flower stems would provide me with flowers to the end of March next year.  (The flowers of cymbidium can easily last a few months in winter.)

So, I came home with this one.

As already mentioned, this plant has two stems with flower buds: one is obvious in the picture, and the other one is growing at the back of the plant.

Before I took the plant into the house, I placed the pot in a bucket full of water.  According to the expert on YouTube, this way of watering is recommended for cymbidium.  During the winter months, do this once a week.

After 1/2 hour, I took the pot into the living room.

Well, this plant may be a bit on the large side, but the 'table' version would have been obscured in the same spot.


ノコンギク Japanese aster


I found Japanese aster plants with pink flowers being offered on the internet.  The variety I already have produce purple flowers and I always wanted the pink version as well.  The photo below is just the image of what is to come, since the flowering season is long past. However, aren't they beautiful for wild flowers?

Aster microcephalus var. ovatus

「みんなの趣味の園芸」から拝借: ノコンギク・桃山 11/8ピンクのお花...「11月の花」のアルバム-みんなの趣味の園芸733599 (shuminoengei.jp)



I bought the plants on a site used by private individuals (sellers and buyers), so the goods that arrived really looked 'personal', instead of business like.  It brought a smile to my face.

The price was about 4 US dollars, including postage, and said '2 plants'.  In fact, she sent me 4 plants and I am so grateful.

I left them in a bowl of water overnight and the leaves looked crispy in the morning.

The roots should spread well during the forthcoming winter.  I am so looking forward to seeing the flowers next autumn.

Taiga overlooking my work from her post.

One of the seedless Kabosu was partially eaten by a wild bird.  They must be really short of food in winter.  The skin of the fruits is thin and I hope they will enjoy them but, unfortunately, these are not as sweet as the seedless kumquat fruits.

The seedless kumquat has grown well since this spring.  I bought the plant a few years ago and it hardly grew until now.  This year, it has a decent amount of fruits.

The fruits are still small but they should continue to grow towards their maturity in February.  They are very sweet, just like the normal kumquat, but these are seedless.  So, it is very nice when eating fresh, as well as candied versions.


秋の味覚 Taste of autumn


My next door neighbour gave me these persimmon fruits from her garden.  The tree is an old one, probably planted by her late parents, and I think it is a variety called "Girou".  The fruit is extremely sweet, with very firm flesh.  Also, the square shape of the fruit is suggestive of Girou.


Having cut one fruit into halves, I tested the sugar content - 33.8% from the top half of the fruit, and


32.0% from the bottom half.  In both cases, I tested the outer part of the fruit (close to the skin), where it was sweeter benefitting from the sun.  

Since I was born and brought up in a village near a mountain, I still have the habit of eating persimmons with the skin (people in Japan think it wild and uncouth, so they peal it with a knife before eating.).


A blogger friend told me that you can easily grow new plants with cuttings kept in a glass of water - just like mint cuttings.  According to her, doing it in this cold weather prevents the cuttings from going rotten, so, there is no need to buy sand.

I would like to try that method with this one, after the flower has finished.  Even if I fail, I have nothing to lose, since there is already at least one new bud coming out of the soil for next year.

And, I would like to try the same with this one, too.
Although the colour of this plant is too pale for my liking, perhaps, if I adhere to the rule and grow just one flower next year, the colour might be deeper.

You think so, too?


黄葉 Trees in autumn colours


Another warm and fine day and it was really hard to believe that December is only a few days away.  The ginkgo trees are probably at their peak in terms of looking beautiful.

One of the entrances to the park, where there is an avenue of gingko trees.

For enjoying the trees in autumn colours, the wooded area near the reconstructed ancient dwelling is my favourite.


On my way home from the supermarket this morning, I saw what I shouldn't have seen.  A large chrysanthemum flower in full bloom.  I have been aware of several such plants of various colours since 2 weeks ago, as the flowers were starting to open.  Today, I found that they had reduced the price to 500 yen (less than 4 US dollars).  With the flowers fully open, the seller must be in a hurry to clear the shelf. 

Originally, the price was set at 600 yen and I was appalled to think that the skill to produce this beautiful flower was considered that low.  Now that it was reduced to 500 yen, I felt sorry and sad for the grower.  So, I bought one of them.  The flower is about 20 cm in diameter and really beautiful.


The pale pink variety I got in spring this year should have looked like this yellow one, had I been strict enough to follow the rules.  I hope to take care of them properly next year.


庭の様子 Misc.


Taiga had a diarrhoea this morning, after digging out and eating a dog's poop out of fallen leaves in the park during the evening walk yesterday.  When we came home after an early morning walk, she did not want to go inside.  So, I stayed with her and took the opportunity to check the plants in my garden.

I grafted ume scions in two places on the "Elephant Heart" plum tree in February this year.  This ume is a variety called "Nanko" and produces superior quality fruits, ideal for making ume pickles.  Both scions grew fast and steady during the summer months and I had to prune the new growth often.  Thanks to that, I think the small branches became mature enough to have potential flower buds for next spring.  

The chrysanthemum plant I bought in spring this year has started to bloom.  This is a variety that should have just one stem, and one huge flower, but I was not determined enough to follow the rules.  As a result, it has 3 stems with several medium-sized flowers on each.  Next year, I will be strong enough to stick to the rules that are prescribed for this variety.

I used to grow a tangerine called "Taguchi" but now it exists only in this branch, grafted onto Cara Cara orange tree.  This branch is so vigorous that it could overtake the host tree if I do not control it by frequent pruning.  Taguchi's fruits are very large and the taste is not as strong/sweet as oranges.  Since I have another tangerine that ripens at the same time as Taguchi, but with much stronger and sweeter taste, having this one branch will suffice.

This is the grafting point.  As you can see, I am not good at grafting.  I tried to graft citrus scions on 6 branches in spring this year, but all of them died out.  After that, I was so scared of failure that I missed the grafting season this autumn.


朝散歩 Morning walk


On our way to the park, we ran into Leah, my neighbour's German Pinscher girl.  She was wearing her usual head gear but her attitude was slightly different from her normal boisterous greeting.  According to her mom, Leah's flimsy ears started to go necrotic and she had to have her ears cropped a few days ago.  As a result, she gets defensive when meeting other dogs on the street.  I hope she will recover soon.

Hardly any people in the park on such a beautiful morning - what a pity.

As we were enjoying our usual walking course, 

my neighbour's White Retriever caught up with us.
Since she is much younger than Taiga with lots of energy, Taiga tends to be reserved.

After parting with her, we continued to enjoy our walk through the woods in peace.


I made a mistake of looking into the JA this afternoon, on my way home from the supermarket.  I saw an edible chrysanthemum plant with unusually large flowers.

The one on the left is today's find, and the one on the right is from a few days ago.  The flowers on the new plant are much larger than those of the previous one.

I love the colour contrast between the yellow edible chrysanthemums and the new one.  I hope the flowers on this new plant will be just as large in next season onwards.