Zephyranthes candida
We went into the dog park for the first time in months.
A 4-year old, male white Labrador, named Jack, came to greet us.
Due to the virus, not many users in the dog park.
Jack was the only large dog and he could not find another to play with.
Subaru, male Shiba mix, came towards us. He was a rescued dog and extremely timid. Every time he sees Taiga on the street, he becomes nervous.
Yet, he was completely different today - he sought out Taiga.
I just do not recognise Subaru who was so timid.
As Taiga was running out of energy, she put a stop to it.
Subaru: "Why ever not?"
He takes time to say "Hello".
Even Subaru seems to pay respect to the senior dog and greets gently.
When the terrier was gone, Subaru resumed his appeal to Taiga.
Taiga casts a sideway look
もう、こうなったら無理矢理 遊んでやる!
Subaru takes the matter into his hands.
Subaru is disappointed.
He notices his friend arriving.
Curry, male Shiba Inu, is of the same age as Subaru.
They are well matched in energy.
A new arrival, female Jack Russell, jumps into the fun.
She becomes the prey.