Soboro, 3-year old female Shiba Inu
As we tried to take a photo with 2 of them together, Soboro instantly obeyed her mom and posed for the camera, but not Taiga. She hates the camera.
So I shouted "Treat" to make her look my way, but she only licked her mouth in anticipation - hopeless.
After we parted company, Taiga went straight to the bench to get the promised treat.
Gracey, 12-year old male Husky who has known Taiga since she was a puppy
His dad runs on skates so as to give Gracey as much exercise as possible.
The park has a lot of quince trees.
A new face, male Welsh Terrier, named Bruno, 9 months old
名前はブルーノ君。まだ生後9か月の仔犬なので、楽しくてタイガに飛びついてきましたが、すっかりオバサン犬になってしまったタイガは無反応。Sorry, Bruno. Taiga turns placid when faced with an over-excited dog.
Hopefully, Bruno will meet many puppies of his own age to play with.
First time meeting with 2 Shibas: Yuzu (right), 3 years, and Mikan (left), 1 year old
Both girls seemed a bit confused as Taiga went straight to their dad to be patted.