ラベル ブラックベリー/ラズベリー、その他ベリー類(Blackberries/Raspberries etc) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル ブラックベリー/ラズベリー、その他ベリー類(Blackberries/Raspberries etc) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


ダークチェリーのショートケーキ Dark Cherry Shortcake


A shortcake with canned dark sweet cherries as the filling, decorated with raspberries on the top.  The raspberries are "Joan Squire" autumn fruits.


赤い宝石 Red jewels


As it was forecast to start raining in the afternoon, I picked what I could of Joan Squire after coming home from the morning walk.  Ripe fruits of raspberries and blackberries get spoiled in the rain. 

Raspberry: Joan Squire

The autumn fruits of Joan Squire have a richer taste (more tart and sweet) compared to the summer fruits.  But I prefer the taste of the summer fruits which is so soft and delicate.  However, the advantage of the autumn fruit is that you are not worried about insects hiding inside the fruit, so there is no need to wash before eating.

Fortunately, Taiga shows no interest in getting a share of the berries since they do not smell like meat.


ラズベリー Raspberry


Raspberry 'Joan Squire' is continuing to ripen.  A cluster like this looks like little lanterns.

Joan Squire's fruits are large but the flowers are inconspicuous.

Of all the berries I ate today, this one was the best - strong sweetness matched by tart taste.

Taiga is only interested in treats and meat.

I grafted 2 twigs each of Moro and Mineora on Yuzu over the last 2 years.  Now they are starting to fruit.

And, this is the Yuzu plant, barely 1 meter tall as yet.  Yuzu has so many uses - for savoury and sweets, as well as for fragrant bath.


公園で At the park


The rainy season has started and, when it is not raining, it is quite cool in the shade.

I sat on the exposed roots to rest and give a treat to Taiga.

She also seems to enjoy the shade and breeze.

Taiga enjoying the cool grass.

A face only a mother can love.



Raspberry, Joan Squire, starting to ripen.  

The taste is excellent and the seeds small and soft.


ベークウェルタルト Bakewell Tart


Loganberry, "Waimate", is in season right now, so I made a bakewell tart.  The berries are used in the jam and for garnish.


パッションフルーツ棚の延長 Extension to passion fruit scaffolding


The existing structure for the passion fruit plant is fast becoming too small.  So, I made a bridge between the passion fruit scaffolding and the gate-looking structure beyond (it is a part of the structure for hanging out laundry).  As a result, the passion fruit scaffolding has expanded significantly.

The fruit on the right is from the first flower of this year.  It is already much larger than an L-sized chicken egg.

The distance between flowers is very short, which means that a vine is packed with flowers.

We had a spell of very hot weather recently and it was hard work to pollinate - the back of my hands felt burning under the intense sun.


'Waimate' loganberries are starting to ripen.

It is hard to believe that all this is from just one cluster/stock - the canes simply kept growing.  Even though this is on the northside of my house, the plant does not seem to suffer from the lack of direct sun.

They look tempting, but the taste is quite tart.  This variety is suitable for cooking.

Feijoa plants are in full bloom.  They are such attractive flowers with a hint of tropics.


フェイジョアなど Miscellaneous


I went to the gardening shop nearby to get some materials this afternoon, when I saw 'desert lime' grafted plants.  Quite healthy-looking, decent plants, but I wonder if there are people interested enough to buy.

The price is quite reasonable at 1,800 yen, considering the size of the plants.

The feijoa (a.k.a. pineapple guava) plants in my garden are starting to flower.  I have 3 varieties: Apollo, Nikita and Wiki Tu.

The loganberry plant, a variety called Waimate, is doing well.  This variety is so prolific that I still have some of last year's crop in my freezer.
Also, this variety is super resistant against both cold and hot weather, like blackberries.  

Taiga has started to moult.  I shampooed her yesterday and, since then, lumps of loose hair rise to the surface as she walks and moves about.

We moved inside the porch for brushing, since mosquitos are about outside.  The moulting period has only started and I shall be busy brushing her for the next 2 months.


カラカラ、ナバホなど Cara Cara, Navaho etc


The Cara Cara plant with flowers starting to bloom.  This tree produced one fruit the year I planted it in the garden but, since then, no flowers at all.  So, I am looking forward to picking fruits next spring.

Navaho blackberry plant (just one cane) with flowers.  Unfortunately, the Osage plant died out last summer and this is the only blackberry left.
The flowers are pale pink (although they look white in the pictures) and very pretty.

I planted one of the edible lily bulbs that I bought in the supermarket some months ago and now a new shoot is coming out.  It is currently looking like a miniature pineapple crown.

The Rugosa Hansa that arrived recently has been growing new branches and I can count at least 4 flower buds now.  I am so excited and looking forward to seeing the flowers.

As I was so absorbed with Hansa, Taiga approached me to get attention.

Taiga may not be the best looking pooch in the world, but any of her expressions are endearing to me.  However, she must slim down - I took her to the vet 2 days ago for a rabies shot and was told that she weighed 24.9kg.