
フェイジョアなど Miscellaneous


I went to the gardening shop nearby to get some materials this afternoon, when I saw 'desert lime' grafted plants.  Quite healthy-looking, decent plants, but I wonder if there are people interested enough to buy.

The price is quite reasonable at 1,800 yen, considering the size of the plants.

The feijoa (a.k.a. pineapple guava) plants in my garden are starting to flower.  I have 3 varieties: Apollo, Nikita and Wiki Tu.

The loganberry plant, a variety called Waimate, is doing well.  This variety is so prolific that I still have some of last year's crop in my freezer.
Also, this variety is super resistant against both cold and hot weather, like blackberries.  

Taiga has started to moult.  I shampooed her yesterday and, since then, lumps of loose hair rise to the surface as she walks and moves about.

We moved inside the porch for brushing, since mosquitos are about outside.  The moulting period has only started and I shall be busy brushing her for the next 2 months.