This is the known variety plant that arrived on 25th May this year (For the sake of convenience, I will refer to it as 'Emperor' which is the name used in Japan. However, I cannot find such a name in any Chinese sites). This plant was sold as 'one-year old', meaning it was grafted last year. Considering that, it has made a remarkable progress with numerous fruits growing already.
As soon as a flower opens, it gets pollinated by a miniscule insect and the young fruit starts growing. The plant already has about 40 young fruits in all but, ultimately, I am going to reduce them to around a dozen.
This is the plant that arrived on 7th July, a common Japanese jujube plant. After planting it in a large pot, the tree has become very dense in branches.
This is the plant that arrived on 7th July, a common Japanese jujube plant. After planting it in a large pot, the tree has become very dense in branches.
The tree is in full bloom. The pot is placed outside my bedroom upstairs and, every morning, I can look forward to being met with the sweet scent of the blossoms.
In this extremely hot weather (daily max. temperature exceeding 35℃), the tree gets clusters of young fruits after flowering.
This young fruit is from the flowers at the time of the plant's delivery. Only 4 young fruits have remained from the initial flowering. Since this tree is just a common jujube, its fruits will not be as large as those of known varieties.
Jujube is said to have been introduced to Japan in ancient times - seeds were discovered among archaeological finds dating back to 6th century. However, we never made any effort to improve the species and the fruits are small.