
グリーンカーテン Green curtain


I am growing sweet potato plants in a bag on the balcony, next to my bedroom.  I kept one of the sweet potatoes I bought in the shop during winter and managed to get new shoots, thanks to the information available on the internet.  Normally, I use the kiwi scaffold for growing passion fruits but I wanted to try sweet potatoes this year.  The pot on the left is the Japanese jujube plant that arrived in early July.  Since then, 3 suckers have come out and the whole plant is thriving.


Looking at the sweet potato plants on the balcony.  The plants are quite useful not just for getting shades, but also preventing rain drops coming into the room when I leave the glass door open.

From front to back, Emperor jujube, Japanese jujube, and sweet potato vines.  The balcony is getting crowded and every time I clean the floor, I break a branch somewhere.

This is the Emperor jujube I bought in May this year.  I have reduced the number of fruits to 12 and now waiting for them to mature.   Based on the information on the internet, this variety's fruits are likely to mature late in the first year (early November), but they ripen in October as the plant grows older.

This Japanese jujube plant would look very nice as an ornamental garden tree.

These are young fruits from the flowering in August - good fruit setting thanks to the summer heat.

This is one of the 4 young fruits from the flowering in July.  Japanese jujube fruits are small but I love jujubes of whatever sizes.

As I was watering the two olive pots on the east side of the balcony, I saw a lot of black pellets, resembling the droppings of butterfly grubs.  However, these were much larger than those of butterflies.

Since I was looking for a bright green grub like those of butterflies, I just could not find anything.  It took me several minutes to find this culprit - a huge one  

Gross!  I removed it immediately, literally 'with a vengeance'.  I have never heard of butterfly grubs eating olive leaves.  I have finger lime plants next to these olive plants.  Can it be that a butterfly made a mistake?

Taiga relaxing on the cool tile floor of the porch.