
西洋サンシュユとフィンガーライム Kazanlak and Finger Lime


Kazanlak (cornelian cherry) lost all its leaves due to overheating on the upstairs balcony.  Since then, it has been placed on the ground and new leaves have started to come out.  During the summer, the only plants that can survive on my balcony are the olive, the jujube and the passion fruit plant.  Even the caper is barely surviving this summer, although last year, it produced some fruits after flowering but not this year.

Looking at the new leaves coming out of the buds, it is clear that the plant has no flower buds for next year.  On the internet, you can find articles saying that flower buds start to appear during July and August, but my plant's buds have always been like this after the first growth in April.  So, the fate had been determined no matter how much I gazed at the plant wishing to find potential flower buds.


We have had a few weeks of sporadic heavy rains and I have enjoyed a break in watering the plants in the garden.  It also meant that I have not observed changes in them.  As a result, some of the fruits had matured and gone rotten.
The only fruit on Daram's Emerald had already fallen off the tree.

A brown fruit hanging on the New Yellow tree.

Likewise, a brown fruit on the Purple Bliss tree.

I have been picking some of Mia Rose fruits but it still has quite a few left.

I picked these to see how they taste.  From left, New Yellow, Purple Bliss, Mia Rose, and white seedling.  I have had the white seedling plant for several years now and it is a very reliable producer.

When I cut them in halves, there was almost no difference in colour.  At least, the fruits appear to be mature, since the flesh oozed out naturally.

The New Yellow is not yellow, while the Purple Bliss is not even pinkish.

Mia Rose looks only slightly coloured but only around the core.  There was no difference in flavour or taste among them, except that the white seedling's flavour was the best.