
グリーンカーテン Green curtain


I am growing sweet potato plants in a bag on the balcony, next to my bedroom.  I kept one of the sweet potatoes I bought in the shop during winter and managed to get new shoots, thanks to the information available on the internet.  Normally, I use the kiwi scaffold for growing passion fruits but I wanted to try sweet potatoes this year.  The pot on the left is the Japanese jujube plant that arrived in early July.  Since then, 3 suckers have come out and the whole plant is thriving.


Looking at the sweet potato plants on the balcony.  The plants are quite useful not just for getting shades, but also preventing rain drops coming into the room when I leave the glass door open.

From front to back, Emperor jujube, Japanese jujube, and sweet potato vines.  The balcony is getting crowded and every time I clean the floor, I break a branch somewhere.

This is the Emperor jujube I bought in May this year.  I have reduced the number of fruits to 12 and now waiting for them to mature.   Based on the information on the internet, this variety's fruits are likely to mature late in the first year (early November), but they ripen in October as the plant grows older.

This Japanese jujube plant would look very nice as an ornamental garden tree.

These are young fruits from the flowering in August - good fruit setting thanks to the summer heat.

This is one of the 4 young fruits from the flowering in July.  Japanese jujube fruits are small but I love jujubes of whatever sizes.

As I was watering the two olive pots on the east side of the balcony, I saw a lot of black pellets, resembling the droppings of butterfly grubs.  However, these were much larger than those of butterflies.

Since I was looking for a bright green grub like those of butterflies, I just could not find anything.  It took me several minutes to find this culprit - a huge one  

Gross!  I removed it immediately, literally 'with a vengeance'.  I have never heard of butterfly grubs eating olive leaves.  I have finger lime plants next to these olive plants.  Can it be that a butterfly made a mistake?

Taiga relaxing on the cool tile floor of the porch.


公園で At the park


For budget reasons, they do not cut the grass very often at the Johoku Park.  As a result, the grass is nearly 50cm and even for a medium-sized dog, the field is very uninviting to go in.

Avoiding the grass field, we had a rest atop a small mound.  Since the surgery in May this year to remove the lipoma on Taiga's chest, she has been on a diet.  She weighed 25kg in May last year, when she had a polyp in her ear removed.  12 months later, at the time of removing the lipoma, she weighed 22.75kg.  After that operation, she was 150g lighter.  So, her diet is going well and I am looking forward to having her weighed when we go back to the clinic in autumn for her vaccine.  The final goal is to reduce her weight to 20kg.

We keep having rains related to typhoons which are followed by strong sunshine, making it unbearably muggy.  However, Taiga seems happy so long as she gets a treat before going home.

The home-made chicken jerky.  By slicing chicken meat and drying in the scorching sun, I get very healthy chicken jerky with absolutely no additives.

After eating, her mouth is covered with froth.


西洋サンシュユとフィンガーライム Kazanlak and Finger Lime


Kazanlak (cornelian cherry) lost all its leaves due to overheating on the upstairs balcony.  Since then, it has been placed on the ground and new leaves have started to come out.  During the summer, the only plants that can survive on my balcony are the olive, the jujube and the passion fruit plant.  Even the caper is barely surviving this summer, although last year, it produced some fruits after flowering but not this year.

Looking at the new leaves coming out of the buds, it is clear that the plant has no flower buds for next year.  On the internet, you can find articles saying that flower buds start to appear during July and August, but my plant's buds have always been like this after the first growth in April.  So, the fate had been determined no matter how much I gazed at the plant wishing to find potential flower buds.


We have had a few weeks of sporadic heavy rains and I have enjoyed a break in watering the plants in the garden.  It also meant that I have not observed changes in them.  As a result, some of the fruits had matured and gone rotten.
The only fruit on Daram's Emerald had already fallen off the tree.

A brown fruit hanging on the New Yellow tree.

Likewise, a brown fruit on the Purple Bliss tree.

I have been picking some of Mia Rose fruits but it still has quite a few left.

I picked these to see how they taste.  From left, New Yellow, Purple Bliss, Mia Rose, and white seedling.  I have had the white seedling plant for several years now and it is a very reliable producer.

When I cut them in halves, there was almost no difference in colour.  At least, the fruits appear to be mature, since the flesh oozed out naturally.

The New Yellow is not yellow, while the Purple Bliss is not even pinkish.

Mia Rose looks only slightly coloured but only around the core.  There was no difference in flavour or taste among them, except that the white seedling's flavour was the best.


ナツメの現況 Jujube trees now


This is the known variety plant that arrived on 25th May this year (For the sake of convenience, I will refer to it as 'Emperor' which is the name used in Japan.  However, I cannot find such a name in any Chinese sites).  This plant was sold as 'one-year old', meaning it was grafted last year.  Considering that, it has made a remarkable progress with numerous fruits growing already.

As soon as a flower opens, it gets pollinated by a miniscule insect and the young fruit starts growing.  The plant already has about 40 young fruits in all but, ultimately, I am going to reduce them to around a dozen.

This is the plant that arrived on 7th July, a common Japanese jujube plant.  After planting it in a large pot, the tree has become very dense in branches.

The tree is in full bloom.  The pot is placed outside my bedroom upstairs and, every morning, I can look forward to being met with the sweet scent of the blossoms.

In this extremely hot weather (daily max. temperature exceeding 35℃), the tree gets clusters of young fruits after flowering.


This young fruit is from the flowers at the time of the plant's delivery.  Only 4 young fruits have remained from the initial flowering.  Since this tree is just a common jujube, its fruits will not be as large as those of known varieties. 
Jujube is said to have been introduced to Japan in ancient times - seeds were discovered among archaeological finds dating back to 6th century.  However, we never made any effort to improve the species and the fruits are small.
Luckly, this plant is thornless, which is almost unheard of for a Japanese variety.  After I planted it in a large pot, 3 suckers have come out and they are now about 50cm meters tall.  They are also thornless.  It is so much easier to look after the plant without spikes.


イチジク苗 New fig plant


The fig plant that I ordered 2 days ago arrived today - a French variety called "Rouge de Bordeaux".  I nearly chose the other famous variety called "Ronde de Bordeaux" which is also said to be extremely sweet and delicious.  However, the flesh of Rouge de Bordeaux has a clearer red colour and it would look prettier than the other variety when used in cakes and tarts.  Mind you, fig fruits' quality can vary depending on the growing environment and from year to year.  Therefore, the picture below is just an ideal outcome.

How the plant arrived in a box.

On opening, I found a small bouquet of carnations together with the fig plant.  What a surprise!

In spite of the sweltering heat, the flowers looked fresh.

Now the fig plant.  I ordered it because it was cheap and was not expecting such a decent plant - another surprise.

I put the flowers in a vase right away.  I just cannot imagine sending cut flowers in this dreadful heat.  The little note said that it was a token of gratitude for the patronage.

I have never tried this variety before.  According to the readily available information on the internet, the plant can be kept compact, growing in a pot.  Harvest time September to October.  The fruit can weigh between 70-90 g.  Sugar content around 30%, which is extremely sweet.

I cut the plastic pot open with a knife.  The root was growing in circles.

In an extremely hot weather like the one we have now, the last thing I want to do is to untangle the roots, but I did it.  As I did so, I found a large root growing upwards after hitting the bottom of the plastic pot.  I removed a section of it (the one on the left), thinking that perhaps I could grow a new plant out of this piece by burying it in soil.  Since this is not a grafted plant but growing on its own roots, any new plant will be another Rouge de Bordeaux.  
To compensate for the shock caused to the root, I left it in a bucket of water so that I could plant it tomorrow.