
皇帝棗 Jujube plant


The jujube plant that arrived on 25th May has been growing well.  As expected, the young fruits from the flowers in June did not stay on the tree for long.  Instead, the flowers in the sweltering heat of July resulted in fruit setting.  

New branches keep coming out and they are accompanied by flower buds.  As a result, the plant has numerous young fruits growing.  There are more than 15 fruits of the sizes in the picture already.  Since the tree is very young, I am planning to keep only a dozen of the young fruits to grow to maturity.

The leaves of the new branches are quite large, compared to those that were there when the plant was delivered.  This is expected of a known variety with large fruits.  (The formal Chinese name of this variety is not known in Japan.  It has been sold as "Emperor" jujube here, but such a name does not exist in China, it seems.)