
リンゴなど Apples etc

昨日の雷雨と突風で、鉢植えリンゴ苗が両方とも 倒れていました。グラニースミスはその衝撃で実がもげてしまった! あと2か月は待って欲しかったのに。でも、見た目はイギリスで生食していたグラニースミスに劣らぬ大きさです。この色、この斑点、まさにGS。

We had lots of thunder and lightning yesterday and both of the potted apple trees were knocked down to the ground.  The fruit on the Granny Smith tree came off in the rain and storm.  I was hoping to keep it on the tree for another 2 months.  However, the size of the fruit is already as large as those sold in stores in England for eating fresh.


The red-fleshed variety "Kurenai-no-Yume" was even worse.  I had put a protective net on the fruit so that wild birds could not get to it, and yet, it had a large black hole!  It turned out that the extreme summer heat and sun had burned a hole in it, and it had nothing to do with birds or insects.

Granny Smith on the left, and Kurenai-no-Yume on the right.

Granny Smith weighing 177g.

Kurenai-no-Yume weighs 319g.

Not surprisingly, the seeds are still white.  Being unripe fruits, they both tasted sour but the sourness of the Granny Smith was extreme.

Honey Heart plum fruits are ripe at last.  The plant being placed in the shade of the orange tree, it took a long time to ripen.

Although smaller than those produced by professionals, the fruit tasted very nice.  The sugar content is low for a plum but quite refreshing to eat.


Ume plums have been pickled in salt for a month now and ready to be dried in the sum.  This year, I bought 2 kg of them.  After being sun-dried they are put back into the pickling pot with the red shiso leaves.  They should be ready for eating from January onwards.