
スダチ Sudachi fruits



My neighbour gave me some Sudachi fruits.  Sudachi is a famous produce of Tokushima Prefecture, and she got them from a friend who is from that Prefecture.  These must have been grown in a greenhouse, since they come into season in September.  So, I compared them with the fruits of my Sudachi, which are still very tiny.

The spotless tiger lily is in full bloom.  In the humid air with occasional rains, these flowers look very cool.

ヒマ? 蚊がいるので、私が庭にいる間もタイガは家の中。目で訴えています。先月、左耳の中にできた腫瘍を取り除く手術をしたとき、内側の毛を綺麗に剃られましたが、今はほぼ元通りになっています。
Taiga looking bored.  Since it is a season of mosquitoes, she has to stay inside when I walk about in the garden to check the plants.  Her left ear is almost back to normal, after having had the inside shaved when the vet operated to remove the growth last month.