
バタフライピーフラワー Butterfly Pea flower


The butterfly pea plant I bought several days ago has already has flower buds and the first one opened this morning.

It is a beautiful deep blue colour.

The pot sitting next to the butterfly pea is the caper plant I bought earlier this year.  It has grown to be about 20cm, double the original size.  This is a tough plant and it should grow fast during the summer.

I am going to try a cup of tea with the flower.

As soon as I poured hot water, the colour started to come out.

It seems ready for tasting.  There is a bit of sweetness and I could enjoy it on its own - good herbal tea when you consider the effects of anthocyanin.

However, I plucked a tiny bit of stevia to see how the taste changes.  With more sweetness, the taste was considerably improved.  I am looking forward to having this blue tea throughout this summer, sometimes, as cold drinks.  A neighbour of mine showed me her butterfly pea plant that she bought in summer last year.  She kept it indoors during the winter and the plant turned semi-woody and strong - that is what I am going to do in winter.

公園で At the park


The rainy season has started and, when it is not raining, it is quite cool in the shade.

I sat on the exposed roots to rest and give a treat to Taiga.

She also seems to enjoy the shade and breeze.

Taiga enjoying the cool grass.

A face only a mother can love.



Raspberry, Joan Squire, starting to ripen.  

The taste is excellent and the seeds small and soft.


ベークウェルタルト Bakewell Tart


Loganberry, "Waimate", is in season right now, so I made a bakewell tart.  The berries are used in the jam and for garnish.


パッションフルーツ(続) Passion fruits


The young fruits of the passion fruit plant are growing rapidly.  The fruit in the photo below is from the second flower, and has caught up with the fruit of the first flower.  Since they have stopped growing at this size, I think they are waiting to turn black on the outside before ripening.


It rained heavily for the last 2 days and I had a welcome break from the task of pollinating the flowers.  I already have more than enough fruits and there are tens more flower buds growing.


ハーブ苗など Herbs etc


I bought a butterfly pea plant at a nursery on my way home from shopping yesterday.  I have little butterfly plants growing from seeds, but they are no taller than 5cm even now.  So, I wanted to secure a plant that was sure to flower reasonably soon.

To my delight, this is a double-petal variety.


This morning, I had a call from another nursery telling me that moringa plants had arrived - I made the request last month.  I also got a kaffir lime plant which was on the shelf nearby.  

Two moringa plants and a kaffir lime.


There were moringas with brown stems, and others with green stems.  I know that they will all grow woody eventually, but I could not make up my mind which one to choose.  So, I got one of each, just in cake one type was stronger than the other.  Moringas are said to contain many kinds of nutrition and I shall be using the leaves in my cooking and they will not be wasted.

Flower buds of tiger lilies are coming out.  They are both in their first year.  The one on the left should have yellow flowers with no spots, while the one on the right is the normal tiger lily with red flowers and dark spots.  I bought the one on the right in the supermarket as food for cooking.

The one on the left already has a lot of bulbils, which is typical of tiger lillies.

These buds will grow into yellow flowers without spots.

This is the normal plant with red flowers.


日本酒ケーキ Japanese Sake Cake


I made a sponge cake with sake for flavouring.  For this purpose, a dry type of sake is said to be the best.  


パッションフルーツ棚の延長 Extension to passion fruit scaffolding


The existing structure for the passion fruit plant is fast becoming too small.  So, I made a bridge between the passion fruit scaffolding and the gate-looking structure beyond (it is a part of the structure for hanging out laundry).  As a result, the passion fruit scaffolding has expanded significantly.

The fruit on the right is from the first flower of this year.  It is already much larger than an L-sized chicken egg.

The distance between flowers is very short, which means that a vine is packed with flowers.

We had a spell of very hot weather recently and it was hard work to pollinate - the back of my hands felt burning under the intense sun.


'Waimate' loganberries are starting to ripen.

It is hard to believe that all this is from just one cluster/stock - the canes simply kept growing.  Even though this is on the northside of my house, the plant does not seem to suffer from the lack of direct sun.

They look tempting, but the taste is quite tart.  This variety is suitable for cooking.

Feijoa plants are in full bloom.  They are such attractive flowers with a hint of tropics.