
公園で At the Park


During our morning walk, we met an old friend whom we had not seen for years - probably since pre-Covid days.  She is a Bernese Mountain Dog, named Bernie, 8 years old.

They seemed to recognise each other gradually.

When I called her name, she looked directly towards the camera.

She came to my side and started snuggling up to me, so we decided to take pictures.  Bernie was totally relaxed and her sitting posture looked so graceful as a large dog.

There came Taiga, looking like a third wheel.

Taiga is 11 years old, while Bernie is 8.  Since I do not know when there will be another opportunity like this with Bernie and Taiga together in a picture, it means a lot to me.  



Back home, Taiga enjoyed a nap in the living room.  Such a peaceful autumn morning.


午後の公園 Afternoon Walk in the Park


It was a dry and cool day today, which is typical of our autumn weather.  Hopefully, we will not have any more typhoons visiting us.  To take advantage of the day, we went out for an extra walk at around 3:30 p.m.

After the autumnal equinox, daylight hours are getting progressively shorter, and it was already looking like close to sunset.

In that weakening light, we met Miou, a female Shiba Inu we have known since she was just a tiny puppy.

She is already 4 years old and there is no hint of a bouncy puppy.

Taiga playing cool.

As a puppy, she seemed to belong to the 'miniature' Shiba Inu category.  However, her dad has been over-generous with tasty food and she has grown into a near-normal size.  I hear that you have to be very strict with the feeding habit if you want to keep the miniature status.

We then walked through the woodland to reach the other side of the park.  With very few people around, except two young women reading a book sitting on their respective bench, the scenery looked like a water-colour painting.

We came out of the woodland and stopped on the bridge to take a picture of Taiga, when I spotted our neighbour.

It is Leah, the German Pinscher girl and her mom.

Taiga is excited not because she met Leah, but she was expecting a treat from Leah's mom.

Taiga took no notice of Leah sniffing at her back,

just concentrating on the forthcoming treat.

Leah shows off her proprietary right over Taiga, but they both got what they expected in the end.

Leah is having her ear flaps fixed again.  With the ears propped up, she looks like an American Doberman Pinscher.

After saying good-bye to Leah, we headed home, when we met Leo, a 4 years old Shiba Inu-Chihuahua mix.  Since the owner tells me that Leo is part Chihuahua, his eyes look a bit bulging.

We rarely meet but Taiga for some reason likes Leo.  So, they always play and chase each other even on the road.


日南の姫 Tangerine


This is said to be the earliest-ripening variety of tangerines.  According to the catalogue, the fruit starts ripening as early as the end of August.  However, my tree is placed in a half-sun position and it ripens much later.  I once put this plant on the upstairs balcony but the extreme summer heat nearly killed it.  Since then, the tree has taken a few years to recover and this is the first year of fruit setting after its near death.

The plant, growing in a 30cm diameter pot, has 3 fruits and this is the largest one.

This is the smallest one and I will wait patiently.

The edible chrysanthemum in front of the porch has grown taller than usual.  I cut it down to about 30cm several times through the summer months, up to the end of August, in order to keep it low and bushy.  However, this autumn, we had typhoons one after another, and the excessive amount of rain water probably caused the plant to grow tall.

We had a blue sky this morning for the first time in days.  As we were walking in the neighbourhood, I saw something familiar on the ground under an olive tree.

Droppings.  And, they are huge - much larger than the ones I found under my olive tree.

It took me some time to find the culprit, but there it was.

The grub is much larger than the one I found on my olive tree, thus larger droppings too.  Thanks to this creature, I learned something new today.  When I found the grub on my olive tree the other day, I thought that the usual butterfly came to my citrus tree standing next to the olive tree and made a mistake in laying eggs.  But there are no citrus trees near this olive tree.  So, I googled and found that it was the 'horned worm' of Sphingidae (according to the Wiki).

The elementary school near my house displays water colour paintings of pupils on the metal fence.  They are renewed from time to time, so I enjoy walking along the fence.

This is my favourite of this morning.  The artist calls it "The sky seen from the top of a tree".  However, I call it "The waterfall beyond branches".  I am imagining myself standing on an edge while walking in a mountain.

数年前まであった豊島園を惜しんでの絵? 子供たちにとって閉園になったのは残念だったと思います。その跡地にはハリーポッターのテーマパークができたそうですが、私にはおおよそ興味を持てない分野なので行ったことありません。
These two paintings are reminiscing the Toshimaen Park that used to be in our Nerima Ward.  Even as a child growing up in the countryside, I used to hear of it as a sort of paradise for small children.  After decades of business, it was closed several years ago and now Universal Studio's Harry Potter Theme Park stands in the area,


皇帝ナツメを収穫 Picking Jujube Fruits


The 'Emperor' jujube fruits seemed ripe enough.  Since it rains every day, I decided to pick them all, in order to avoid over-ripening.  I have a gadget to measure the sugar content, but the values I got were too high to be believable.  Nevertheless, the fruits were very sweet and beautifully crunchy.  I am so pleased with this tree which I bought as recently as May this year.


公園で At the Park


We met a new face during our morning walk in the park.  A 6 months old, male Japanese Spitz, named 'Poshake'.  Such a strange name with no particular meaning.  One might wonder if they are going to call him by this name for the next 15 years or so without regretting.  No worry, as you live with a dog, you come up with lots of nicknames.  In Taiga's case, she has 5-6 alternative names and she responds to all of them very well.  The name registered with the Ward Office is important when you take the dog to the clinic but, otherwise, any other affectionate way of calling will be just as good.

He is so fluffy and pure white, looking like a doll.  He has a happy and bold temperament, just like Taiga was as a puppy.  It is easy to live with such a dog, compared to a nervous one.

He wants to greet Taiga but feels a little hesitant, as can be seen by his ears pressed backwards.

He is super cuddly with his parents.  Ah, I should have let Taiga behave like this.  In my case, I wanted to bring her up in a strict manner so that she would not bark at strangers - an image associated with Kaiken.  So, I followed an advice for the first 2 years, which made her very independent and steady but also aloof towards me.  She is more affectionate towards other people than with me.

A personality with pure white innocence.