
公園で At the park


On our way to the park, a cat crossed the road in front of us.  He was growling all the time.  What's more, he was initially sitting on the other side of the road and, only after we got closer, he started to cross the road.  Taiga began wagging her tail as a sign of alertness.

The cat went into the parking space of a house and stayed there as if to ambush Taiga.

We passed by trying not to provoke him.

For Taiga, who had been bored walking the familiar road, this encounter might have been a welcome diversion.

When we arrived at the park, we were joined by Hina and Sena.  Hina is a very loyal individual and greeted older Taiga with respect.

As usual, they broke into a chase.

Sena was standing aloof all the time and Hina came to see what was wrong with her.

Sena probably has had enough exercise for the morning.

Posing for the camera side by side.


公園で At the park


When we arrived at the field near the Central Park, we saw Kon, a male Shiba Inu, and Tom, a male Schnauzer.  Taiga dashed out to meet them.

Taiga and Tom started chasing each other, but Kon remained on the boulder.  When he was a puppy, he would invite Taiga for a chase.  However, after the Covid absence, it seems he no longer regards Taiga as a member of his pack.

Standing tall and solitary.

They are gone.  Not bothered?

As the field was deserted, Tom and Taiga had the whole place to themselves for a run.

After running wild, Taiga and Tom returned to where Kon was.

Kon's hair on his back is standing a little.

Now relaxing as Taiga kept distance.

Taiga being on the ground, got the first one.

Two dogs arriving - I sometimes see them during walks but do not know their names.

Their mom knows Taiga's name, but it is too late and embarrassing for me to ask her their names now (I will ask others later).  Both are very friendly dogs.


公園で At the park


It was rather cool this morning.  As it gets colder, the deciduous trees will be turning into autumn colours soon.  We reached our favourite field where it is usually deserted on weekdays.

Taiga getting into the usual business of rolling on the grass.

We were joined by a group of Golden Retrievers.  One of them is our neighbour, Ume.  She had wandered far away on her own but, when her mom called out to her alerting her about Taiga, she hurried back.

Ume's house lies in the direction we take whenever Taiga wants to walk through the residential area far away.  As we seldom meet in the park, both Ume and Taiga were thrilled.

Ume and Taiga wrestling.

After the noisy greeting between Ume and Taiga, Ume's mom started to look for some treats.  Rintaro, the Chihuahua who lives with Ume, looking hopeful.

As it look some time for Ume's mom to pull out the treats, Rintaro got impatient and started making an appeal by walking on his hind legs.


公園で At the park


A beautiful morning without a speck of cloud.  Although it was cold when I left home, I was perspiring in the sun as we walked in the park.  Taiga standing at her favourite place, the top of a small hill, from where she can look out to spot friends passing.

Subaru, a young male Shiba mix came along, so we hurried down.

Subaru is several years younger than Taiga and needs to walk very long distances every day, just like Taiga did until 3 years ago.  He has extraordinary eyes, hazel-coloured, with a piercing look.

The Chinese quince tree with lots of fruits.  When the fruits become yellow and ripe, you can smell the distinct scent.
Pity these are not apples and growing in my garden....

Taiga posing for the camera, after being bribed with her favourite treat.

Then, the usual relaxing on the grass.

ベルガモット挿し木 Bergamot cuttings



The Bergamot tree was getting weaker every winter, so I dug it out in February this year to see how the roots were doing - they were half rotten.  No wonder the branches of other citrus varieties grafted onto Bergamot were dying.  Since I love the flavour of the Bergamot, I did not want to part with this variety altogether and made some cuttings.

It has been more than 1/2 year and, as there is little time left this year during which roots are still active, I took the cuttings out of the soil.  The roots were surprisingly poor, considering the months that passed.  Still, better than nothing.


I planted every cutting into pots, giving larger pots to the cuttings with more roots.

I had completely given up doing any gardening work during the summer - it was so humid and my garden was mosquito-infested.  Recently, I started tidying up the garden.  As I was exhausting myself with unfamiliar work, Taiga was enjoying the view of passers-by through the fence.  She pays absolutely no attention to what I do - a cat would be more solicitous.