Another dry day, which was a welcome thing after the recent typhoon rains, so we headed towards the dog park.
Another dry day, which was a welcome thing after the recent typhoon rains, so we headed towards the dog park.
実着きのパッションフルーツ苗を買って、その実を収穫してみたら何とも美味しかったので、今度はスーパーで実を買ってきてタルトを作りました。 あの香とハズレのない美味しさがすっかり気に入りました。
Earlier in the summer, I bought a passion fruit plant with a fruit on it and, when I tasted it, I fell in love with the fruit. Unfortunately, the fruiting season is over so I got some fruits in the supermarket to make this tart.
Once the typhoon was gone during last night, it was all blue sky this morning. When we arrived at the park, we saw a new face - Mugi, 4-year old female, looking a bit like a Corgi but mostly like a Shiba Inu.
Taiga wanting to go home after finishing her morning 'business'. We haven't come half way to the park yet.