ラベル レモン、ライム、ベルガモット (Lemon etc) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル レモン、ライム、ベルガモット (Lemon etc) の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


香酸類 Citrus fruits


Seedless and thornless Kabosu fruits have started to turn yellow on the outside.  Kabosu fruits are normally used in cooking while they are green and less juicy.  However, I grow Kabosu for extracting the juice for drinking purposes and it tastes much nicer when ripe.

I had this plant in a pot, until the blood orange tree (Tarocco) died during winter earlier this year.  As a potted plant, this tree used to produce only around 5 fruits but now it is turning quite prolific even though it is less than 1 meter tall.

The thornless and Seedless Sudachi fruits have gone completely yellow.  As with Kabosu, these are normally used in cooking while they are green (people think the green taste and flavour are superior).  When the fruits are this ripe, the juice tastes much nicer in my view.

This is a thorn-free Lisbon Lemon.  As with Kabosu, this was in a pot until earlier this year.  The Bergamot that used to be here went dry and dead during the winter and I planted the Lemon in its spot.  I am leaving the fruits untouched until they become ripe and yellow.

Kabosu (left) and Sudachi (right)

The flesh of both fruit is ripe and yellow.  Although called "seedless", it is acceptable to have 1-2 seeds in a fruit.  Normally, both Kabosu and Sudachi are full of seeds and very cumbersome to extract the juice due to the seeds.  With these seedless types, you get more juice for the absence of seeds, and less garbage to deal with.


柑橘試し採り Citrus fruit tasting


It was cloudy with chilly air this morning.  The ginkgo trees in the park were starting to turn yellow.

We walked through the woods without seeing anyone.

After coming home, I checked the fruits of the finger lime plant.  The thorns are so painful and I have half a mind to get rid of all the 4 plants I still have.  This one was cheep as a  seedling, with a catalogue saying "red fruits".  The other 3 plants with known variety names have never produced, even though they were expensive to buy.  Seeing this seedling plant producing fruits every year, I am hesitating now.

Tangerine variety called "Ishiji" with small, but very sweet, fruits.

Let's try one of each.

The finger lime must have been fully ripe, since the inside started to ooze out after I cut it in half.  Although the flesh is not "red" as promised, this green flesh is not too bad.

The Ishiji is very sweet with sugar content of 23.7%.  With no stones, this variety is really worth growing.

I picked some of the edible chrysanthemums last night.  After rinsing the flowers several times, I placed them in the net, thinking that the dry spell we have been having would be very effective.  However, it started to rain this morning - such is life.  The purpose of this exercise is to dry the flowers so that they can be used for tea and in medicinal cooking.  The flowers are rich in vitamin B1, E, etc, and have medicinal uses.

This net is very useful in drying delicate foodstuffs such as potato slices for frying.  I do have an electric food dryer, but I am afraid the flowers may get discoloured, just as the potato slices turned brown.


ベルガモット挿し木 Bergamot cuttings



The Bergamot tree was getting weaker every winter, so I dug it out in February this year to see how the roots were doing - they were half rotten.  No wonder the branches of other citrus varieties grafted onto Bergamot were dying.  Since I love the flavour of the Bergamot, I did not want to part with this variety altogether and made some cuttings.

It has been more than 1/2 year and, as there is little time left this year during which roots are still active, I took the cuttings out of the soil.  The roots were surprisingly poor, considering the months that passed.  Still, better than nothing.


I planted every cutting into pots, giving larger pots to the cuttings with more roots.

I had completely given up doing any gardening work during the summer - it was so humid and my garden was mosquito-infested.  Recently, I started tidying up the garden.  As I was exhausting myself with unfamiliar work, Taiga was enjoying the view of passers-by through the fence.  She pays absolutely no attention to what I do - a cat would be more solicitous.


シャンプー後の散歩 A walk after shampoo


It was a sultry afternoon today and going out for a walk was the last thing I wanted to do.  However, Taiga's smell was getting rather strong, so I gave her a shampoo, after which we went out to the park.  The grass was growing so vigorously that the benches were almost buried.

It being one of Taiga's treat spot, she got up onto the bench with an hopeful smile.

She waits patiently with a happy smile, as I fumble through my bag.

In the field across the street, they were cutting the grass - at last!  However, they are doing this, not for the benefit of park users, but because they have the annual fire drill soon which is a big event.  Nevertheless, this is good news for us dog owners.


I made two new passion fruit plants from cuttings for next year.  The plant on the balcony with fruits will come to the end of its service before winter, and these two plants will be spending the winter indoors.

A new thornless Lisbon lemon that I bought recently.  I already have another, which I got several years ago, but lemons are such useful fruits and I cannot have enough.

This is one of the seedlings from the Key lime fruits that I consumed in autumn last year.  When the plant grows large enough to produce viable scions, I am going to graft them onto the Bergamot plant so as to quicken the time for fruiting.


ソーセージ・リングパン Sausage slice bread ring


Bread ring with sausage slices, flavoured by grated cheese, cajun seasoning and garlic.  It is very flavourful and you only need a plate of salad to make satisfying lunch.


ハーブ苗など Herbs etc


I bought a butterfly pea plant at a nursery on my way home from shopping yesterday.  I have little butterfly plants growing from seeds, but they are no taller than 5cm even now.  So, I wanted to secure a plant that was sure to flower reasonably soon.

To my delight, this is a double-petal variety.


This morning, I had a call from another nursery telling me that moringa plants had arrived - I made the request last month.  I also got a kaffir lime plant which was on the shelf nearby.  

Two moringa plants and a kaffir lime.


There were moringas with brown stems, and others with green stems.  I know that they will all grow woody eventually, but I could not make up my mind which one to choose.  So, I got one of each, just in cake one type was stronger than the other.  Moringas are said to contain many kinds of nutrition and I shall be using the leaves in my cooking and they will not be wasted.

Flower buds of tiger lilies are coming out.  They are both in their first year.  The one on the left should have yellow flowers with no spots, while the one on the right is the normal tiger lily with red flowers and dark spots.  I bought the one on the right in the supermarket as food for cooking.

The one on the left already has a lot of bulbils, which is typical of tiger lillies.

These buds will grow into yellow flowers without spots.

This is the normal plant with red flowers.


ベルガモットのシフォンケーキ Bergamot Chiffon Cake


The Bergamot oranges in my garden are nearing the end of harvesting season and I made a chiffon cake with them.  The flavour is unparalleled and the taste is sweet and sour.


桜開花 Cherry blossoms starting to bloom


The cherry trees started to flower a few days ago but the cold weather has been holding them back - we even had snow in Tokyo yesterday.  However, the weather is turning around and cherry blossoms should be coming out in full force soon.




Plum 'Saino-hime' also starting to flower - although with not so many flower buds.  In this spot, there used to be an apricot tree but I feel I have not much demand for apricots, so I grafted apricot twigs on Saino-hime and Mercury.


The variety from the US, 'Elephant Heart' with countless flower buds.  This plant produced a lot of delicious fruits last year.  However, the tree was too vigorous for growing in a pot and nearly died by winter.  So, I planted it in the garden and it has made a remarkable recovery.


As I was absorbed with Elephant Heart, Taiga came closer wanting attention.


When I called her name, she gave me this goofy face.  I assure you that I never interfered with the photo - no drawing of eyebrows.


Cumquat fruits ripening at last.


'Hoshi Tangor' flower buds, and the only fruit from last year.


The precious single fruit.