After getting home from our morning walk and tidying up the living room, I opened the front door to call Taiga inside. Instead of sitting on the usual cushion in front of the door, she was crouched over the leaves of spider lily. It seems that she gets a better view of the passersby from this position. She can look over our gate, as well as over the hedge of my neighbour's garden on the left. Now I know why the spider lily leaves became flat on the ground recently - it was not because of the gales we have been having.

Ever thought of hygiene?
It seems she is ready for a good shampoo. The last time I washed her, it was December 30th (!) - such a long time ago. It has been too cold, and it takes hours trying to dry her fur after shampoo. However, today was a very warm day - warm enough to dry her outside the porch. Also, they are forecasting a return of the cold spell next week. If I missed today, it would be another week of oily fur on Taiga.
I started washing her at 3 p.m. After drying her, we left the house after 4 p.m., to go to the park. On our arrival at the park, we met Sora, a male Black Shiba Inu.
His sole interest is what is in my bag. So, we had a quick treat time.
We walked further and saw Kanta heading our way.
Kanta is about 4 years younger than Taiga, but he behaves like an older man with an attitude when he meets Taiga. Taiga is always so happy to see him, with her tail wagging to the right.
As Kanta was going to the dog park, we walked together to see him off there.
Kanta is a brown brindle but, in the evening light, he sometimes looks like a red brindle.