Since the last posting on January 31st, the jujube plants have been making progress very slowly. The tree in front is Early Crisp King jujube. In the back, the one on the left is Seedless Golden Thread jujube, and on the right is Panzao. (I took these pictures in early morning just as the sun was coming into the room - thus, the yellowish colour of new buds.)
This is the bud of Early Crisp King that started growing first, at the end of January. It is the 3rd node from the top. Some of the new shoots are large enough already and I can see spots of bark on permanent branches.
This is the same bud as it looked on January 31st. It being winter, the bud has been growing very slowly.
This is the bud that followed the above one, and it is the 2nd node from the top.
This is the 4th node from the top.
When the bareroot plants were delivered, this tree had abundant roots. Perhaps that has contributed to its early growing?
This is the Seedless Silk Thread jujube. Whereas the Early Crisp King's buds started to come out one by one, the nodes on this plant are starting to grow almost all in concert. However, it being still at an early stage, I have taken photos of only 'visible' ones in pictures.
When this plant was delivered, the fine roots had been meticulously removed, which shocked me a lot. Perhaps, new white fine roots are coming out now, for the buds to be growing? At any rate, this plant looked the healthiest of the 3, with beautiful green bark from the fusion point to the top of the tree.
This is Panzao. The last one to start moving. When the plant was delivered, the amount of roots looked not bad for an imported tree. However, until recently, it showed no sign of budding, and I was getting anxious.週末は暖かい予報なので、日中、ベランダで日光浴させる予定です。新芽を野鳥に食べられないか心配ですが。。。
The weather is forecast to be warm during this weekend, and I am planning to put them out into the direct sunlight for a few hours at midday. I hope wild birds will not pick on the fresh buds.