My neighbour's dogwood tree, a variety called "Gekko", with its berries, starting to ripen.
My neighbour's dogwood tree, a variety called "Gekko", with its berries, starting to ripen.
A cloudy morning with low temperature. We went to the Moroyama Park which was deserted.
I saw this year's chestnuts in the supermarket and the idea of sweet buns came into my head. I was originally looking for the chestnuts for use with rice - I am now left with smaller pieces which I will use for 'chestnut rice'.
As always, Shelly, a male Border Colly, was busy chasing his frisbee with the typical power of concentration/obsession.
The olive plants I bought the other day were planted together in one pot, so I separated them immediately. Now each of them lives in a 30cm diameter pot on the balcony facing the east. The two plants' roots were entangled so much that I fear it might take some time for the plants to recover from the shock.
Although not a sunny day, at least it was not raining today. The pedestrian road to the park, along side the river, is lined with abelia bushes. Witht the exception of winter months, they seem to be flowering almost all year round. The strong sweet fragrance is really nice.
The sponge is made of fine semolina and almond powder, which prevents the sponge becoming rubbery when based (as is the case with normal flour). The added flavour of the chocolate sauce is very effective.