
サックサクのミンスミートパイ Fluffiest Minced Meat Pies


Minced meat pies with puff pastry are the fluffiest and most flavourful.


公園で At the park


A break from the freezing past 2 days, but still rather chilly morning with overcast sky.

There are several quince trees in this part of the park and the fruits are starting to turn yellow.

There is also a citrus tree with large fruits.

Taiga is more interested in her treat than plants.

As we were going home, we met Champ, a male Cairn Terrier, and a friend since Taiga's puppy days.  

He is already dressed for the Halloween.

We were joined by a Shelty puppy who was walking in the park for the first time.  She was born in May this year so her owners named her 'May'.

Champ came forward as if to greet her nose-to-nose.

Instead, he was only interested in taking a good sniff.

May remained perfectly calm all the time.


初めてのオリーブ苗 Olive plants


1本で生るオリーブの品種があるとは、と感激してググったら「ピクアル」というのが出てきましたが、あまり普及していない品種なのと、結構な値段がするので躊躇していました。それが、今日、久しぶりに地元園芸店を覗いてみたら、あった!!!! 2鉢しか出荷されていなかったので、即買い。

I have been admiring the potted olive tree of a house that Taiga and I sometimes pass on our walks.  One day, the owner happened to come out as we were walking past, so I asked him what the variety was.  He did not know but told me that the plant had fruit setting for the first time this year after buying it 15 years ago.  He also told me that he had no other variety and that plant produced fruits by self-pollination.

After coming home, I serached and searched and learned that the variety called "Picual" was self-pollinating.  Unfortunately, it was a very rare variety in Japan and I had almost given up the idea.  Luckily, I saw it in the nearby shop today and bought it on the spot.

Picual's fruit is quite large.

Although Picual is self-pollinating, the pot had another variety called "Cipressino".

Looking at the lower parts of the plants, they appear to be from cuttings.  The plant on the right is Picual.

I untied the wire that was holding the plants together (Picual on the right).

The price was 2,200 yen - how could I resist.

The moringa plant has grown well - it was hardly 20cm tall when I bought it at the start of summer this year.



冬の寒さ Cold as winter


It has been raining for the last few days and it was particularly cold today, with the maximum temperature at 14℃.  Even worse, the max. temp. for tomorrow is forecast at 13℃.  So, I changed the floor covering of Taiga's cage to a winter blanket (Taiga looking like out of a hostage photo).

A palm civet has returned.  It runs about over my roof at night and drops the young fruits from my passion fruit vine.  Last night, it seems 2 fruits were dropped.  The palm civet is not indigenous to Japan - the creature must have been someone's pet before.

The creacutre must have continued nibbling at the fruit on the floor, since there are pieces of the green skin near the fruit.

Another bruised fruit on the vine.


蒸しチーズケーキ Steamed Cheesecakes


There is a popular steamed mini cheesecake by a major Japanese bakery firm, which can be bought at any supermarkets and convenience stores in Japan.  I have been a fan of it since I first ate it when I returned to Japan in November 1990.  Recently, I saw the oblong mini cake moulds on the web and ordered them thinking they would be perfect for mini cheesecakes.

Right out of the oven, the steamed cakes are white.

By pressing the surface against the hot frying pan, you get a nice golden colour.  Since this is done mannually, one by one,

the golden colour is not uniform - I need to practice in the future.


公園で At the park


It is already October - how time flies.  Fragrant olive flowers tell us the arrival of autumn.

At 9 years old, Taiga gets satisfied with her walk as soon as we arrive at the park.  She associates the word "bench" with "treat", and nowadays she leads me to the bench without hearing the word.

Hibiscus mutabilis in bloom.  It flowered through the summer, but autumn is the best time for this plant.  It will continue to flower until the end of autumn.

On our way home, we met Ume, my neighbour's Kishu ken.
Ume is a year younger than Taiga and they are always calm when they meet.

Ume has a plaster on her tail due to a minor skin infection.

A car parked on the street with a very loud appearance.
The unmistakable Lamborghini logo.

The butterfly pea vines are still growing with more flowers than before.
The colour of double flowers are much deeper than that of the single flower and beautiful.