On our arrival at the park, we saw 'Pon', the male Akita Inu that we met just before the year-end.
On our arrival at the park, we saw 'Pon', the male Akita Inu that we met just before the year-end.
Another mild winter morning with lots of sunshine. We went up the Moroyama Park on our way home from Johoku Central Park. The leaves of most of the deciduous trees were gone.
Fully enjoying the quiet New Year, with no-one to bother us with visits due to Covid. After the 'Big Clean', which is a must in Japan at the end of December, I am enjoying the unusually clean state of the house inside and out. This is particularly rewarding since the cleaning activity usually takes place in the freezing cold wind at year-end.
When we arrived at the park, we saw Curry, a male Shiba Inu. As a fully grown male, he no longer has a puppy face, although he remains a very mild-mannered dog.
During cold months, when Taiga sleeps on the warm electric carpet, she sometimes becomes incontinent. I came down to the living room this morning to find these droplets on the electric carpet cover.