
夕方散歩 Evening Walk


I am loving this warm weather after having been hit by the second cold wave, which affected my health.  Taiga also seems to enjoy the warmth, although dogs are supposed to prefer cooler weather.  She is now in the habit of taking the route to the Kotake-Mukaihara Station, for the evening walk.  It means a much longer walk than going to Johoku Park, and a lot more exhausting for a convalescent like me.  Even so, she has no intention of co-operating with me for a photo shoot - a side eye is the best she can give me.  

Ume tree with red blossoms.  The actual tree was very impressive, although it may not look much in the photo.

On this walkway, there are many Ume trees, and they seem to be at the peak of flowering now.

At some points, the view reminds me of a cherry blossom season.

Looking back the way we have just come.  Walking leisurely, watching the wild birds, such as the White Eye, it is very relaxing.

Taiga was more interested in picking up the scent left by other dogs.  A red dog walking alongside the red tiles.


Back in our familiar neighbourhood, we met friendly faces.  A 3 years old, large Pomeranian boy, and a Toy Poodle girl named Momo.

A Toy Poodle boy named Ponyo (what a name).

Momo and Ponyo.  Momo was not interested in greeting Taiga but was excited to see me.

I once saw in a CSI drama where they caught the sight of the perpetrator by enlarging the photo of the victim.  After coming home, I tried the same and found that I was in Momo's eyes, too.

This boy is a mysterious individual, named Shin.  His long legs and the long hair at the sides of his face suggest to me that he might have a drop of Saluki blood.

棗、ひと月後 Jujubes, one month on


Since the last posting on January 31st, the jujube plants have been making progress very slowly.  The tree in front is Early Crisp King jujube.  In the back, the one on the left is Seedless Golden Thread jujube, and on the right is Panzao.  (I took these pictures in early morning just as the sun was coming into the room - thus, the yellowish colour of new buds.)

This is the bud of Early Crisp King that started growing first, at the end of January.  It is the 3rd node from the top.  Some of the new shoots are large enough already and I can see spots of bark on permanent branches.

This is the same bud as it looked on January 31st.  It being winter, the bud has been growing very slowly.

This is the bud that followed the above one, and it is the 2nd node from the top.

This is the 4th node from the top.

When the bareroot plants were delivered, this tree had abundant roots.  Perhaps that has contributed to its early growing?


This is the Seedless Silk Thread jujube.  Whereas the Early Crisp King's buds started to come out one by one, the nodes on this plant are starting to grow almost all in concert.  However, it being still at an early stage, I have taken photos of only 'visible' ones in pictures.

When this plant was delivered, the fine roots had been meticulously removed, which shocked me a lot.  Perhaps, new white fine roots are coming out now, for the buds to be growing?   At any rate, this plant looked the healthiest of the 3, with beautiful green bark from the fusion point to the top of the tree.


This is Panzao.  The last one to start moving.  When the plant was delivered, the amount of roots looked not bad for an imported tree.  However, until recently, it showed no sign of budding, and I was getting anxious.


The weather is forecast to be warm during this weekend, and I am planning to put them out into the direct sunlight for a few hours at midday.  I hope wild birds will not pick on the fresh buds.


朝散歩 Morning Walk


As we were walking in our neighbourhood, Taiga did her business in an empty plot, and I was picking it up.  When I stood up and turned around, I found familiar faces looking in my direction.  They were after the treat in my bag, while Taiga was going around greeting the owners.  Meeting these friends was a nice start to the warm and beautiful day.

As we walked on, we met Ume, a female Kishu who lives about 50 meters away from our house.  I was so pleased to see her since I heard a few weeks ago that she was not feeling well.

Actually, I was the only one being excited, and Ume and Taiga greeted each other in their usual quiet way.

We walked on leisurely, staying in our neighbourhood, to enjoy the warm day.  Ume plum trees were in full bloom at this house.

The red flower variety does not produce fruits but having both red and white trees is meant to bring good luck.

Camellia flowers.

Large, double petal flowers look like roses.


キーライムに蕾 Flower buds on Key Lime


I have been keeping plants with less cold tolerance in a room upstairs for the winter - it is a sunny room but without any heating.  One of them is a Key lime seedling that I have been growing after consuming the fruits, imported from the US.  However, I once read that for a Key lime seedling to flower, it might take 7-10 years, and I was getting rather pessimistic.  So, I thought of getting rid of the plant and use the pot for something else.  Since it was another warm day today, I decided to do it now.

この春のような陽気でもう苗が動きだしたらしく、しかも枝先には蕾が! 実を利用したあと、湿らせたティッシュの上で種から根っこは直ぐに出ましたが、寒さでそれ以降の変化がなかなか起こらず、双葉が種の殻から出てきたのは2021年の暮、よって実際に苗として育てたのは2022年から2024年の3年間です。しかも、去年の春から暮までは家の北側にうっちゃって、土がカラカラになってからやっと水やりしていた程度。その「適度なイジメ」が奏功したのでしょうか。
When I actually came to closely look at the plant, I could not believe my eyes - flower buds!  I sowed the seeds in late 2021 on wet tissue paper.  I saw the roots come out soon but, due to the cold weather, seed leaves did not come out of the shell until the end of 2021.  Therefore, as a plant, it has been growing for only 3 years (2022-24).  Moreover, I had almost banished the plant to the north side of my house during spring to December last year, watering it only when it was absolutely necessary.  Perhaps the plant feared for its life, thus the flowers?

I placed the plant in front of the wall of the room to take a better look.  It is about one meter tall.  It has lost a lot of leaves and looks less vigorous than it did last spring.

I then moved the plant onto the balcony so that it could bask in the warm sunlight.  I am now determined to take much better care of this plant.


久しぶりのシャンプー First shampoo in weeks


After getting home from our morning walk and tidying up the living room, I opened the front door to call Taiga inside.  Instead of sitting on the usual cushion in front of the door, she was crouched over the leaves of spider lily.  It seems that she gets a better view of the passersby from this position.  She can look over our gate, as well as over the hedge of my neighbour's garden on the left.  Now I know why the spider lily leaves became flat on the ground recently - it was not because of the gales we have been having.


Ever thought of hygiene?

It seems she is ready for a good shampoo.  The last time I washed her, it was December 30th (!) - such a long time ago.  It has been too cold, and it takes hours trying to dry her fur after shampoo.  However, today was a very warm day - warm enough to dry her outside the porch.  Also, they are forecasting a return of the cold spell next week.  If I missed today, it would be another week of oily fur on Taiga.


I started washing her at 3 p.m.  After drying her, we left the house after 4 p.m., to go to the park.  On our arrival at the park, we met Sora, a male Black Shiba Inu.

His sole interest is what is in my bag.  So, we had a quick treat time.

We walked further and saw Kanta heading our way.

Kanta is about 4 years younger than Taiga, but he behaves like an older man with an attitude when he meets Taiga.  Taiga is always so happy to see him, with her tail wagging to the right.

As Kanta was going to the dog park, we walked together to see him off there.

Kanta is a brown brindle but, in the evening light, he sometimes looks like a red brindle.