It was an unusually hot day throughout. Flowers of the fragrant olive (Osmanthus) were already falling off.
It was an unusually hot day throughout. Flowers of the fragrant olive (Osmanthus) were already falling off.
Immediately after setting off, we met a female Akita Inu, after a very long absence. Her name is Noko, 7 years old. Her coat was trimmed during the hot weather.
As we went further along the river, we met a new face, one-year old male Shiba Inu. He seemed to want to play with Taiga but a bit scared.
We arrived at the park just after 6 a.m. today again. Although the weather is fine, the temperature is getting noticeably lower every morning.一日5回の散歩のうち、正午前に地元でオシッコ散歩をしたときの写真。うちから坂を下りて右に曲がろうとしたら、タイガがさかんに左方向を気にしていたのでついて行ったら、近所のマーク君のママが庭木を見て回っているところでした。姿は見えなくても気配で分かるのは、さすがに犬です。門のところへ回って声を掛けたら、出てきてくださいました。
One of 5 daily walks - a short walk just before noon. Taiga started to pull the leash towards the opposite direction when I meant to turn right. I followed her and found that she had detected that my neighbour was in her garden. Taiga probably hoped to see Mark, a male Jack Russell Terrier. He was Taiga's first friend when she started to walk outside.