On our way to the park, we met a new face: a male Border Collie, named Tom, at 1 year and 3 months old. Typical of Borders, his gaze is so strong.
When his owner started stroking Taiga, Tom got agitated.
The horse chestnut tree in the park was in full bloom.近くで見るとけっこう綺麗な花です。
Close up, quite attractive flowers.
We saw Shion, a mixed rescue, when we arrived at the park. She is one of Taiga's old friends whom we can rarely meet due to Corona virus. She wouldn't look towards the camera and, instead, she started asking her dad to pick her up.だっこしてもらって大満足な顔。
Once in her dad's arms, Shion looked very, very happy.
After that, she almost looked into the camera.
When we went up to the upper part of the park, we saw Tora, a male Shiba Inu, who wants to have nothing to do with other dogs or people. He doesn't let anyone come near him.今朝は静かにタイガに近づいて来ました。奇跡です。
This morning, a miracle happened - he actually approached Taiga without any aggression.目つきはまだ悪いけど、
He has a suspicious look but トラもタイガも背中の毛が立っていないので、緊張もしていないようです。
neither Tora nor Taiga has the hair standing on the back.
Taiga always guides me to this spot where she can expect treats.
Some strange things on the fence.
They look like Allium macrostmon - I happened to see it on the web last night.
Taiga was more interested in her own salad bar.相変わらずサラダバーが目当てです。
There is a Japanese elder tree at the edge of the field. I only noticed it a few months ago. The indigenous elder's growth habit is not as vigorous as European varieties - it is lanky with few branches.
The berries form a cone, instead of being flat like a plate.
Having satisfied my curiosity regarding wild plants in this field, it's time for Taiga's treat.