I noticed light snowflakes towards midday, never thinking that it was going to last. Nevertheless, I went around a few supermarkets so that we would have enough foodstuff for the next 2 days. While I am out, Taiga insists on waiting for me outside.
Limequat plant. These photos were taken just after lunch.
Past 4 in the afternoon, the plants were covered with snow.
Moro and Mineola oranges
Walking out of our porch after 7 in the evening for Taiga's walk. So cold!
When we arrived at the park, we found a snow man.
Some dogs must have left calling cards and Taiga could not pull herself away. Luckily, there were two of Taiga's friends in the park already, and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the snow.
公園の木々がまるで桜の花が咲いたように綺麗でしたが、私のコンデジではまったく写っていませんでした。ビーグルのリクちゃんの飼い主さんが何と、iPhone 13 を持っていたので試しにコナラの木を撮ってもらったら、やっぱり違う! 何ともドラマチックな写り。空の雲までちゃんと撮れています。この時間には、空はもうすっかり青空で細かい雲が散在しているだけでした。ちなみに、これはカラー写真です。雪のせいでモノクロの世界に見えますが。
A dramatic picture of a tree, taken with iPhone 13 by one of the poochs' moms. She kindly sent me the photo via LINE on the spot. Note that this is a colour photo, with the blue sky at night and scattered white clouds. What a picture! The tree looks like a cherry tree in full bloom.