The fresh leaves of deciduous trees in the park are at their most beautiful this time of the year.
The fresh leaves of deciduous trees in the park are at their most beautiful this time of the year.
It was a warm day even in the early morning hours. Although Taiga is always eager to go out, she was content with walking within our local district. However, with our district also sitting on a very hilly terrain, you have to walk up and down a lot of slopes.
It rained during the night and it was very humid by the time we went out for a walk. As we were leaving for the park, my neighbour and her dog, Goro, came along and we left together. The grass in the park is growing fast due to the recent rains. However, I love looking at the field covered with dandelions and white clover flowers. Goro is 16 years old, and Taiga soon to be 11. They relax and enjoy as they want.
A very sultry morning after the rains. My neighbour's azalea trees are in full bloom.