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ラベル 料理 Cooking の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


パン焼き Baking buns



While I was down with my sore throat during January and February, I did not have the strength to bake bread.  I am now back to eating my own bread.  While I was unwell, I once bought sliced bread after many years.  I was shocked to see how much sugar was used to make it.  

While waiting for the dough to get ready, I worked in the garden and Taiga came out to sit outside.  Seeing her curled up like this makes me want to hug her - she looks forlorn.

For once, she posed for the camera.

That calls for a treat.


I use the no-knead method.  I mixed the ingredients in early afternoon yesterday.  Taking a long time (more than 24 hours) to prepare the dough in a cold season makes very nice bread.  Today, I am making the simplest buns without eggs.

The dough has risen and is ready to be baked.  No glazing.

Baked at 180℃ for 25 minutes.  The kitchen is filled with the aroma, which makes me happy and feel at home.

It has cooled.

The crumb is shiny and fluffy.


手作りクリームチーズ Home-made Cream Cheese

 クリームチーズの比較:普通の成分無調整牛乳 v.s. 低温殺菌牛乳

Comparison of cream cheese made from: regular full fat milk v.s. low temperature pasteurised milk


ブリオシュバンズ Brioche Buns


I made plain brioche buns.  They may look plain and humble, but the texture is as fluffy as any fancy brioche sold in the shop.


イワシ巻き Sardine Rolls


Sardine rolls with minced shrimps and scallops in tomato sauce.


さくらシフォンケーキ Sakura Chiffon Cake


A very fluffy and moist chiffon cake with sakura powder - the sakura petals' scent is enough to hide the eggy smell, and no need for vanilla oil.


パフペイストリー Cottage cheese in puff pastry


Puff pastry stuffed with cottage cheese and cranberries


きな粉カップケーキ Kinako Cup Cakes


Kinako, roasted soybean flour, is a traditional and very popular superfood in Japan.  When you halve the baked cup cake in half, the aroma of roasted soybeans is inviting.


白いちぎりパン White Pull-Apart Bread


Very light buns that are perfect with any type of meal.


ベークトチーズケーキのようなヨーグルトケーキ Yogurt cake that tastes like a baked cheesecake


I mixed 2 table spoons of yogurt into double cream and left it overnight, which turned into something like soft cheese, but much more solid than mascarpone.  Using this stuff, I baked a cake which turn out to be just like a baked cheese cake.


サケとホタテのテリーヌ Salmon and Scallop Terrine


I made individual terrine with salmon and baby scallops.  The passion fruit sauce was made with the fruit harvested for the last time from the plant that I grew last summer.  The plant has not died yet on the balcony, but I am clearing the scaffold to get ready for the new plant that I made from a cutting.


りんごパイ Apple Pie


We are coming to the end of cooking apple season now, so I made apple pies while I could.  The variety I used was introduced to Japan from the US more than a hundred years ago and, in spite of all the dessert apples developed in Japan since then, this variety has survived. 


オレンジケーキ Orange Cake


I used the Minneola oranges to make this cake.  When you slice the oranges to about 2mm thickness and then microwave them with sugar, there is hardly any bitterness in the peel.  This is very different from that of blood oranges.


イチゴムースのミルフィーユ Millefeuille with Strawberry Mousse

パフペイストリー、デニッシュ、クロワッサンの生地は、バターの洪水がおこる夏には絶対扱えない代物ですが、 冬は室温でもバターが石のように固くなるので違う意味で難しいです。でも、地元スーパーが目玉商品として真っ赤に熟したイチゴを売っていたのを見て、ミルフィーユを連想してしまいました。フィリングはカスタードではなく、台所が極寒なのを逆手にとって、ムースを挟みました(夏には絶対ムリ)。

I saw beautiful strawberries in the shop and thought of making millefeuille with strawberry mousse, instead of sandwiching custard cream.


ライ麦粉とクルミのラウンドパン Round brad with Rye and Walnuts


Very flavourful bread with rye flour and chopped walnuts.  It can be enjoyed as a savoury snack as well as with sweet spread.


ビルベリーソースのミニケーキ Mini Cakes with Bilberry Sauce


I made mini cakes with bilberry sauce topping.  The sharp taste of bilberry is very nice and goes well with the sponge as well as the cream.


チキンとキノコのグラタン Chicken and Mushroom Gratin


Gratin with chicken breast and mushrooms wrapped in ham and crepe.


抹茶ロールケーキ Matcha Rolled Cake



クリスマスのリースパン Wreath Bread for Christmas

卵たっぷりの生地でリースパンを作りました。小麦粉400gと卵のおかげで、オーブンギリギリの直径30cm+ のが焼き上がると、台所いっぱいに卵とバターの匂いが広がります。

I made wreath bread ahead of Christmas.  With 400g strong flour and 2 eggs, it turned out to be 30cm diameter - a size enough to look attractive as a display.  However, with no-one else to look at in my house, I gave it away.


ダークチェリーのショートケーキ Dark Cherry Shortcake


A shortcake with canned dark sweet cherries as the filling, decorated with raspberries on the top.  The raspberries are "Joan Squire" autumn fruits.


洋ナシのクランブルパイ Pear Crumble Pie


I saw pears at a reasonable price in the shop, so I took advantage of the opportunity and made a crumble pie.  I added crushed almonds to the crumbles, and dried cranberries to the pear filling, which made a difference.