
オレンジケーキ Orange Cake


I used the Minneola oranges to make this cake.  When you slice the oranges to about 2mm thickness and then microwave them with sugar, there is hardly any bitterness in the peel.  This is very different from that of blood oranges.


イチゴムースのミルフィーユ Millefeuille with Strawberry Mousse

パフペイストリー、デニッシュ、クロワッサンの生地は、バターの洪水がおこる夏には絶対扱えない代物ですが、 冬は室温でもバターが石のように固くなるので違う意味で難しいです。でも、地元スーパーが目玉商品として真っ赤に熟したイチゴを売っていたのを見て、ミルフィーユを連想してしまいました。フィリングはカスタードではなく、台所が極寒なのを逆手にとって、ムースを挟みました(夏には絶対ムリ)。

I saw beautiful strawberries in the shop and thought of making millefeuille with strawberry mousse, instead of sandwiching custard cream.


ライ麦粉とクルミのラウンドパン Round brad with Rye and Walnuts


Very flavourful bread with rye flour and chopped walnuts.  It can be enjoyed as a savoury snack as well as with sweet spread.


ビルベリーソースのミニケーキ Mini Cakes with Bilberry Sauce


I made mini cakes with bilberry sauce topping.  The sharp taste of bilberry is very nice and goes well with the sponge as well as the cream.


チキンとキノコのグラタン Chicken and Mushroom Gratin


Gratin with chicken breast and mushrooms wrapped in ham and crepe.


抹茶ロールケーキ Matcha Rolled Cake



チョコレート・ロールケーキ Chocolate Rolled Cake


I made a rolled cake with chocolate cream in the middle, which turned out to be a big mistake in this freezing climate.  It solidified so hard that I could barely cut a slice.  However, I warmed a slice in the oven by using the fermentation function.  This slice tasted very decadent with the rum flavour coming out fully.


公園で At the park



Recently, Taiga's morning walk has been getting shorter.  As we were about to turn back, we met Ume, my neighbour's female Kishuken, who was also going home.  Ume and Taiga are good friends and they look happy after not seeing each other for weeks.

After rubbing their noses,

Ume started sniffing Taiga's back side, although she is one year younger than Taiga.   
Looking at Taiga from this angle, can you see that she has lost weight - particularly around her waist?  Following our last visit to the vet, when she weighed 25kg, I have been improving Taiga's eating habit and now she looks a lot healthier.  She even has curves around her waist now.

When we last met, a part of Ume's tail was missing its coat.  It is now slowly coming back, which is reassuring.

We enjoyed the walk in the mild weather this morning.


クリスマスのリースパン Wreath Bread for Christmas

卵たっぷりの生地でリースパンを作りました。小麦粉400gと卵のおかげで、オーブンギリギリの直径30cm+ のが焼き上がると、台所いっぱいに卵とバターの匂いが広がります。

I made wreath bread ahead of Christmas.  With 400g strong flour and 2 eggs, it turned out to be 30cm diameter - a size enough to look attractive as a display.  However, with no-one else to look at in my house, I gave it away.


公園で At the park


A sunny and warm morning today, after the cold wind of yesterday.  Taking advantage of the mild weather, there were quite a lot of young families spreading picnic lunches and playing games on the grass.

My favourite Japanese wax tree at the entrance of the park has lost half of its leaves after yesterday's wind.

The ground of the woods was covered with ginkgo leaves.

As we walked on through the woods, a very friendly new face approached us.
A female aged nearly one, she is a spaniel-toy poodle mix.
She seems fearless for a one year old, considering her size against Taiga's who is 9 1/2 years old.

We moved to the higher ground where there were hardly any people.

A solitary ginkgo tree which has just begun to turn yellow.

We walked on a little more since today was probably the last mild Sunday for this year.  It is forecast to turn into severe winter days starting tomorrow.  (I cannot believe it, but the weather forecast on my PC indicates the temperature to remain 3-4 degrees below 0℃ throughout tomorrow!)


ダークチェリーのショートケーキ Dark Cherry Shortcake


A shortcake with canned dark sweet cherries as the filling, decorated with raspberries on the top.  The raspberries are "Joan Squire" autumn fruits.


公園で At the park


It was forecast to rain anytime today, so we went out for a walk all the time looking up the sky.

While out, Taiga behaves like a male dog, searching for any lingering scent of other dogs' urine and marking over it.  After relieving herself first thing in the morning, she makes sure that she is left with enough to go around.

When we arrived at the park, we saw Pacchi, a female Jack Russel Terrier.  She is 12 years old now, and Taiga 9 1/2 years.  When they were puppies, they played in this field every morning.  After all these years, they remain good friends and, what's more, their relative position is unchanged, i.e., Taiga treats Pacchi as her superior.

Taiga begs Pacchi to play, with her ears pushed back.

Pacchi being 12 years old, remains cool.

Taiga does not get the message.


We were joined by May, a female Sheltie puppy born in May this year.  She still has the ear tape on.

May's dad pulled out the treat and Pacchi and Taiga watched his hands eagerly.

Taiga has been on a diet since she visited the vet's a few weeks ago and I do not give her treats any more.  So, she looked extra happy.