
モルトシロップでリーンなパン Lean bread with malt syrup

 これまで粉末のモルトでパンやダイジェスティブビスケットを作ったことがありましたが、イマイチその効果が実感できませんでした。そこで液状のモルトを試してみました。日本では「ユーロモルト」という名で売られているイタリア産のもので、これはたぶん商標登録された商品名? 実態は、抽出したモルトを乾燥させて粉末状にする前の状態です。


In the past, I had tried malt powder for lean breads and digestive biscuits but could not see much difference.  So, I thought I would give it a try with malt syrup as the last resort.  The result was amazing - the oven spring was quite powerful.


春めいて Nearly spring


 Flowering plum (Red Ume) tree already in bloom.  They say that it will snow in Tokyo tomorrow - hard to believe walking in warm air on a sunny morning.

The sweet fragrance of the blossoms is overpowering, and it reminded me of the bars of soap we used to use at home when I was a child.

Japanese oranges (Citrus natsudaidai) are cold-hardy and grow well in Tokyo.

Close to my house, I spotted a pair of Japanese White Eyes.  I wish they would come to my garden.
They are tiny birds weighing only 11g, and they never stay still.
Taiga being tired from walking, her tail is down.

I hang orange halves out every morning hoping to see White Eyes, but larger birds come and chase them away.  This orange is Moro, one of my blood orange varieties.

A bud starting to open on an apple plant.
I bought this plant last summer, and I think I can find a few future buds containing flowers.
This is a red-fleshed variety, released in recent years.  It is grafted on a dwarf stock.

Taiga was bored while I was checking on my plants.


When I said "Treat?", she moved only her right eye lid as if to sat "You don't mean it anyway".


パッションフルーツ Passion Fruit



I bought the passion fruit plant in summer last year with a few fruits already on it.  They ripened soon and I enjoyed the fruits.  A few months later in autumn, a lot of new flower buds came out and I kept 5 of them to flower.  They all produced fruits but the cold weather has prevented them from maturing to black outer colour.  Moreover, apart from the fruit from the first flower, the rest of them got wrinkles.  As I was fumbling the second fruit, which had the most wrinkles, it came off!  

When I cut it in half, I was pleasantly surprised to see the inside full of juicy flesh.

Sugar content 14.6%, way lower than expected but cannot be helped considering the climate.

This was how it looked on the outside - never expected any juicy inside.

Doing it in reverse, I went back to the upstairs to take photos of other fruits.

The fruit from the first flower is free of wrinkles and I am looking forward to picking it when the outer skin becomes all black.



栗の甘露煮ムース キャラメルソースかけ Sweet chestnut mousse with caramel glazing

 毎年 正月用に栗きんとんを作りますが、その甘露煮がスーパーの棚で目に入ったので買ってきました。キャラメルソースと相性が良さそうなイメージだったので試したら、美味しかったです。

Candied sweet chestnuts are one of my favourite food stuff, and so is caramel sauce.  So, I combined the two.


公園で At the park



A new face: Labradoodle and Bichon Frize mix, named 'Ponzu'.  He will be one year old in a few days.  Ponzu and Taiga started wrestling and his mom and I were at first just watching it, encouraging the whole time.  As it seemed to go on forever, I took out my camera and started taking pictures. Thus, they are already in the thick of it.

Ponzu gets up and tries a new tactic.


Taiga glaring at Ponzu with her mouth wide open.

Taiga's muzzle looking like a turtle's nose.

There arrives Kotarou, my neighbour's Labrador-Shiba mix.  Taiga suddenly changes her demeanour and behaves like a young girl.

Ponzu trying to come closer to Kotarou.

As a 13-year old male, Kotarou tries to put Ponzu in his position.

Ponzu is a frequent user of the dog park and seems to know how to behave in front of an older, large male dog.

Kotarou seems happy to receive Ponzu's respect.



After lunch, Taiga getting bored in the house.

I had a lot of unfinished work in my garden since autumn last year and decided to tidy up the cut branches, with Taiga watching my work.

The new raspberry plants (Ruby Beauty, aka, Shortcake) that arrived a few days ago.

When I finally finished my work, I noticed Taiga sitting close to the gate - she was watching the world go by from her position.  Many of my neighbours, when they pass by, talk to Taiga and she enjoys her popularity.  Now she is looking up with a forlorn face - she is well aware of the effect it produces on me.

She looks like an abandoned, saddest pooch in this entire world, curled up on the ground.  By the way, ever heard of 'personal hygiene'?


ブラッドオレンジのパンナコッタ Panna Cotta with Blood Orange



My blood oranges were slightly damaged (the flesh has softened) by the recent snowfall, so I decided to harvest Moro early (Moro is said to ripen in mid-February onwards in Japan).  When made into orange sauce and topping, Moro turned into something very different and the entire result was just right. 


ラズベリー苗:ルビービューティー Raspberry Plant: Ruby Beauty


とても気に入っていたので買い直そうとネット上で検索しても出てこなかったのが、海月ファームさんのブログ→ https://kaigetsufarm.blog.fc2.com/ で苗を買った記事が載っていました。その実店舗に電話して、昨日もう苗が届きました。昨日はスイーツの動画を撮っている最中だったので、今朝になって箱から出して日光にあてることにしました。(植えつけは明日。)

The Ruby Beauty (= Raspberry Shortcake, in the US) plant that I used to grow died out last summer (my own fault).  Since then, I have been trying to get a new one but could not find any on the internet.  Fortunately, I saw a posting in which my blog acquaintance had bought Ruby Beauty from a shop in her area in Himeji City.  So, I phoned the shop and ordered two plants just to be safe.



Although deciduous plants, I can tell that they are really healthy.  I am looking forward to their growth, particularly from next year onwards. 

電話で苗を注文した翌日に、以前 利用したことのある通販会社からカタログが届きました。その表紙が何とルビービューティー苗。ネットで必死に検索しても出てこなかったのに、あるところには有るものですね。
This catalogue arrived from a shop from whom I once bought a plant, the day after I placed the order with the shop in Himeji City.  To think that I could not find Ruby Beauty on the internet however hard I looked, it is amazing that there are plants available off the internet.


ゆり根 Lily Bulb


I found a super-cheap lily bulb in the vegetable corner of a supermarket.  Basically, there are 2 varieties of lilies that are edible in Japan - Yamayuri and Oniyuri.  I grow both but, as an amateur, I can never grow them to be such large bulbs.

The price was 100 yen, less than $100.

As an experiment, I am going to try to grow them.  So, I washed the bulb in the garden.  This is the top of the bulb.

The other side, the bottom, with some roots still on it.

The bulb was 9.7cm across - quite a large one.

I could see 3 clear heads (individual bulb, potentially).

So, I separated the potential bulbs to make them independent of each other.

3 new bulbs with their underside (roots), and some fragments.

The head side.

Up close on the head side.

I could just about see some green colour.


These fragments will not be wasted.

The pot is not large enough but this is only an experiment, since I have no confidence that I can grow lily plants from supermarket bulbs.  So, place the bulbs deep in the pot.

Cover the bulbs with soil, and throw in some fertiliser for the upper roots.  With lily bulbs, you get roots above and under the bulb, and it is the upper roots that absorb the necessary nutrition.

Add more soil in order to encourage the growth of upper roots.

The fragments have also been planted.  This is the most common way to propagate lilies in Japan.