
架橋 Bridge being built


As we were walking along the Shakujii River, I saw some activity taking place at the construction site for a new bridge.

A huge chunk of metal was being moved to form a part of the bridge.

I stood outside of the fence and asked the worker for permission to take photos to which he readily OKed.  He even seemed proud.

On the side of the huge crane was written "450t", probably the maximum weight it can lift. 

I love watching huge cranes and giant machinery in action on construction sites.

A view of the new bridge from another established bridge.  The cute looking blue tents are for the workers to rest in the shade.

They spent years to build the base on both sides of the river.  The work took so long that I had almost forgotten about the bridge itself.  Now the work is going rather fast, since the bridge itself seems to be built by simply placing huge parts using cranes.


カノコユリとスモモ Kanoko lily and plums


Kanoko lily is in season.  It blooms when there are few flowers in my garden due to hot weather.  The lily grows in the shade, among plum trees - very tough plant.


Elephant Heart is my best favourite variety of plums in my garden.  Although it is recognised as an excellent pollinator, the fruits are underrated in Japan (this variety was introduced from the US).  I am looking forward to seeing the fruits ripen in a few weeks.

Raspberry, Joan Squire, looking tired in this extremely hot weather.  It produces fruits mainly in early summer and late autumn.  The fruits during the peak of summer, like now, do not taste very good, so I leave them alone.


公園で At the park


Extremely humid morning due to typhoons.  Taiga got into a shade and started rolling on the cool grass.

This is a section of the park where some apple trees and kumquats are.  Since I grow both apples and kumquats myself, I observe their progress throughout the year.

Taiga is only interested in rolling over the grass.


The apple trees here are all "Alps Otome", a very sturdy variety of the crab apple family.

Some fruits are already turning red.

A flower blooming out of season.


Taiga still enjoying herself.

One of the kumquat trees.

Kumquat trees bloom several times during summer, so you can see flower buds and young fruits on the same branch.


Taiga refusing to go home.

Her eyes speak tonnes.


ケイパーの花 Caper flower


The second flower of the caper plant started to open this evening.  At after 10 p.m., I am trying hard to stay awake to take a picture while the flower is fresh.  

As it was this morning at 6 a.m.   The stigma has grown since last night, probably ready to be pollinated.  I cannot imagine any insect being able to pollinate such a flower, given the extremely long stamen and the stigma being far away from the stamen.  Probably it requires countless flowers opening at the same time and being swayed gently in the breeze.


リンゴ「紅玉」Kogyoku apple


The Kogyoku apple plant has 3 fruits growing.  I bought the plant in spring last year but, due to neglect, the plant was eaten alive by bugs during last summer.  I was expecting the plant to die any time but it seems to be recovering even though it has lots of holes.

The caper plant has started to flower.  I noticed this first one opening yesterday evening and, when I looked at it this morning at 5:30 am, it was still beautiful.  However, when I came home from morning dog walk, it had already wilted.  I feel cheated, having looked forward to seeing it for so long.  At any rate, the flower was huge with about 5cm in diameter, as well as being rather beautiful and tropical looking.


The plant was less than 20cm when it arrived in spring last year, but now it is about 60cm tall.  According to the information on the internet, this plant grows slowly in the first 2-3 years, so I can look forward to a vigorous bush in about 5 years.

However, there are several other flower buds and I will try to capture the best moment with these.

A white Shiba's owner gave me this brush which is very effective in removing dog's hair from the carpet or sofa.  I found out that it is also useful on Taiga's belly and she loves it, too.


ハンザが開花 Hansa rose


The rosa rugosa Hansa plant that arrived last month has started to flower.  It is now almost twice the size it was.

Hansa may not be the prettiest rose in the world, but my best favourite variety.

In all, 7 flower buds at the top of the plant.

去年の春に買ったケイパーは、ゆっくり育って今年やっと蕾が出てきました。以前テレビで欠かさず見ていた「モンタルバーノ ~ シチリアの人情刑事」のドラマを思い出しました。
The caper plant that I bought in spring last year has at last produced flower buds.  I am so looking forward to seeing that tropical-looking flower.

The perennial morning glory plant in my neighbourhood.  More than 10 years ago, I grew this plant in my garden, which turned into a nightmare.  It grew and covered the whole of my tiny garden in a short time.  Moreover, the plant started to cross the road by sending out shoots.  Never again.

Such a pretty flower.

Taiga spotted Goro, my neighbour's dog.

She thinks she is hiding behind a bush, ready for an attack.

Goro is 14 years old and too slow to reach us.

Taiga dashed out but Goro hardly noticed her.  So, she directed herself to Goro's mom.


ビルベリーなど Bilberry etc


The bilberry plant I bought in spring this year has been growing nicely.  This is a seedling developed in Germany and said to be more heat tolerant than normal bilberries.

It had some flowers this year and I can now see a few berries that seem to be ripe enough.

This is the entire crop for this year....

I managed to cut the tiny berry in half.  The flesh inside is blue, whereas with blueberries only the skin is blue.

The sugar content was 18.3%, as sweet as prunes.

The Hansa rose that arrived recently has a flower bud!  I am so looking forward to seeing the flower.

The plant has grown to about 1.5 times the original size.

During summer, I get up very early but it is already hot in the sun.  This morning, Taiga chose to walk along the river.

We headed home trying to skip from one shade to another.