A respite from the rains, but very humid and uncomfortable for me. I wanted to go home but Taiga was not having it.
A respite from the rains, but very humid and uncomfortable for me. I wanted to go home but Taiga was not having it.
A new Hansa plant has arrived - this is the 3rd one in my garden. The Hansa plant I got 2 years ago produced some flowers this year and I enjoyed them as rose tea. I treat my Hansa as a sort of a herb.
Rosa rugosa "Hansa"毎日降る雨の合間に散歩。空模様からして今日は余裕があったので、「柿の木広場」まで行けました。貸し切り状態。
Being in the middle of a rainy season, it rains everyday and we have to catch the moment to go out for a walk. We managed to go to the Persimmon Park this morning. We had the whole place to ourselves.
We crossed the road to go up the Moroyama Park.
The Japanese rainy season has started and it has been raining all day today, as it did these last few days. The blackberry Navaho berries are ripening in the rain with some of them dropping on the road.
来年用のケインを2本だけ残して、他は見つけ次第 排除しています。その2本が、連日の恵みの雨のおかげでもう2mを優に超えています。雨がやみ次第、摘心して脇枝が伸び出すよう誘導します。
Canes for next year are coming out one after another. I am keeping just two of them and these have grown to above 2 meters already.
Today's harvest: Navaho and raspberry Joan Squire (on the right).
Blackberry "Navaho" is growing very vigorously. Last summer, only one cane came out of the soil and I spread the branches left and right in order to maximise the exposure to the sun.