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公園で At the park


We walked passing the side of the dog park, which we do not visit these days.

ランの利用には毎年登録を更新しなければならないのですが、タイガはもう数年前から中に入りたがらないので無登録です。なので中を覗くだけですが、今朝は見たことないワンコがいました。シルケン・ウィンドハウンド(Silken Windhound) という犬種で、米国でボルゾイとウィペットの交配で作られたそうです。飼い主さんによると、日本には犬舎が2軒あるだけだそうです。この写真を見ると大きなウィペットが走っているかのようですが、立ち止まると毛足が長いので雰囲気がガラリと変わります。
To use the dog park, you have to renew the registration every year.  As Taiga got older, she became unwilling to go into the dog park, so I have not renewed the permit for several years.  This morning, I saw an unusual looking dog over the fence and started talking to the owner inside.  She told me that it was a Silken Windhound, developed in the US.  There are only two breeders in Japan, and she got her dog from one of them.  Looking at him in this photo below, he looks like a large Whippet but, when he stands still, he looks very different with his long coat.

His owner called him back.  He is a 9 months old boy, but with a name of Abbie.

He sat down as told,

followed by 'paw'.  Taiga hates 'paw' and tries to make a joke of it, but this boy was very obedient.

Near the dog park, we met new faces who were on their way to the dog park.  A tiny Kai - in fact, the smallest I have ever seen, and also a small Golden Retriever.

To see how small she is,

this is how she stands in front of Taiga.  She is one year old, named Hijiki, and she came from a pet shop.  ('Hijiki' is a kind of black seaweed, with which we make a homely dish.)

Hijiki is fearless and went straight to Taiga's backside to take a sniff.

She is so friendly with strangers, too.  

The Golden Retriever is 1 1/2 years old, weighing 28kg, with a name Atsuage.  ('Atsuage' is a deep-fried tofu, another homely dish.)

Going home, we took the path that looks over the field across the river, trying to get warmth from the sun.


After the winter solstice, I can look forward to the daytime getting longer from now on.