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朝散歩 Morning Walk


On our way to the park, we met Momo, a female Toy Poodle in our neighbourhood.  We had not seen her for some time.  She had her trimming a few days ago, and now her coat is short and does not look ready for this cold weather.


However, she is wearing a warm jacket with a hood.  The hood has a pom-pom of the same colour as her own fur.

ペットの服はデザインが本当に細やか。襟元の花の一個一個にパールのようなものを縫い付ける作業を誰かがしたのかと思うと....   良くできた服です。
I am always impressed to see how well made these tiny jackets are.  To think that someone sewed the little flowers around the neck and attached the pearls on them.... I wouldn't have the patience, nor the imagination to design it.

Momo never utters a sound however excited she is, as she clings to my knee.

It was impossible to take a picture of her with the hood on, so I held her head to steady her.

On our way home from the park, we passed by the privately owned woodland that is open to the public, since the Japanese maple trees were still looking pretty.

We rarely come here these days, and the reason is this↓- a new block of flats.  There used to be an old farmhouse surrounded by bamboo woods.  After the owner passed away, the house, bamboo woods, and a part of the woodland open to the public were sold to a developer.  We can still use the remainder of the woodland, but the scale is much reduced, as well as the quiet atmosphere having been altered forever.

The leftover of the bamboo forest is now in a sorry state.