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刑事犬? Detective Puppy?


We met a new face during our morning walk: a 6 months old, female Schnauzer, named Haru.  She is a vivacious girl and took to Taiga straightaway.  Then, a Toy Poodle walked by, and Haru started growling at him quite aggressively - a negative vibe coming from him?

ハルちゃんの注意を逸らすために名前を呼んでみましたが、一瞬 私にガンを飛ばしたあとはまたトイプードル相手に唸り始めました。
I called Haru's name trying to divert her attention.  She looked at me for less than a second and went back to growling at the Toy Poodle.

The Toy Poodle was no shrinking violet, either.  Judging from his muzzle, he habitually quarrels with other dogs?

His owner seems to have given up on him a long time ago, and they left without stopping.

I had been curious about Haru's attire all along.

FBIです。しかもご丁寧にその下には THE DETECTIVE PUPPY(ザ刑事犬)と書いてあります。しかし細かいこと言うと:FBIのジャンパーは紺の地に黄色い文字、また、FBIの場合 刑事ではなく捜査官(agent) になると思います。が、なにせワンコ用グッズだし、むしろ間違えているほうが本家から苦情が来ずに済むとも言えます。
It says 'FBI', and underneath it is written 'THE DETECTIVE PUPPY' - it is soooo sweet!  However, I think that the real FBI jacket is blue (according to US TV dramas and CNN news) instead of in black.  Also, the FBI personnel should be called 'agent', whereas a 'detective' belongs to the police force.  Nevertheless, this is such a sweet item for a dog and the small errors may prevent complaints coming from the FBI proper.

Back home, Taiga enjoyed a peaceful nap.

When I called her name, she opened her eyes slightly but fell back into her doze.