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夕方散歩 Evening Walk


I am loving this warm weather after having been hit by the second cold wave, which affected my health.  Taiga also seems to enjoy the warmth, although dogs are supposed to prefer cooler weather.  She is now in the habit of taking the route to the Kotake-Mukaihara Station, for the evening walk.  It means a much longer walk than going to Johoku Park, and a lot more exhausting for a convalescent like me.  Even so, she has no intention of co-operating with me for a photo shoot - a side eye is the best she can give me.  

Ume tree with red blossoms.  The actual tree was very impressive, although it may not look much in the photo.

On this walkway, there are many Ume trees, and they seem to be at the peak of flowering now.

At some points, the view reminds me of a cherry blossom season.

Looking back the way we have just come.  Walking leisurely, watching the wild birds, such as the White Eye, it is very relaxing.

Taiga was more interested in picking up the scent left by other dogs.  A red dog walking alongside the red tiles.


Back in our familiar neighbourhood, we met friendly faces.  A 3 years old, large Pomeranian boy, and a Toy Poodle girl named Momo.

A Toy Poodle boy named Ponyo (what a name).

Momo and Ponyo.  Momo was not interested in greeting Taiga but was excited to see me.

I once saw in a CSI drama where they caught the sight of the perpetrator by enlarging the photo of the victim.  After coming home, I tried the same and found that I was in Momo's eyes, too.

This boy is a mysterious individual, named Shin.  His long legs and the long hair at the sides of his face suggest to me that he might have a drop of Saluki blood.