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朝散歩 Morning Walk


At the park, we met Hina and Sena, the Kaiken sisters.  Hina hurries down the stairs very excited.

Taiga is equally excited.

We came down the stairs to avoid any accidents while greeting.

Such differences in coat colours.

Hina and Sena are distracted by the sight of a dog in the distance.

Greeting properly.
Hina is deferential to Taiga, since Taiga played with her when Hina was a puppy.  Taiga looking a little haughty?

When Hina's dad stroked Taiga, her haughty attitude disappeared.  Hina and Sena on guard against the stranger dog in the distance.

Near our home, we met John, a male Shelty aged 1 1/2 years old.  He is the 3rd 'John' in the family.  I first met the first one more than 20 years ago, a large Shelty with black coat.  The 2nd John was just as large, but with brown and white coat like this individual.  The current John is small and light.  As far as I am concerned, the first John was very affectionate with me.  However, for the owners, the 2nd one was exceptionally superior, and he was almost like a human being.  The owners were so pleased with the 2nd one, that they chose a puppy of the same colouring for the 3rd John (who did not come up to their expectation - to me, he is nevertheless a happy, regular Shelty).  

Taiga greets John's dad with her ears flat.

John is getting anxious.

As his dad and Taiga were engaged, John took the opportunity to sniff Taiga.