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棗の始動 Jujube waking up


Of the 3 jujube bareroot trees that arrived on December 11th last year, Early Crisp King has started to show signs of life.  The buds are still tiny, and I have to strain my eyes to see them.  Nevertheless, I can see the unique budding of jujube trees, where several sharp heads come out of one node.

I trimmed the plants at about 40 cm above the grafting point - in Japan, 40 cm is considered optimal for strong growth in the initial year.  I have been keeping these indoors so that they would have an easy start.  In the picture below, from left to right, Early Crisp King, Golden Silk Jujube, and Panzao.  When I trimmed the plants, the cut section was green and fresh looking with Early Crisp King and Golden Silk.  However, with Panzao, the core was brown and hollow, which worried me a lot.  Also, the surface of the first two varieties is greenish and, in the direct sunlight, the skin looks shiny.  Not so with Panzao.  Its surface is dark reddish brown with thin film of grey skin running vertically.  I do not know whether this is unique to this variety or not.  I will have to wait until spring-early summer before coming to any conclusion.


I baked hard-type bread this evening.  The ingredients are the same as for French bread, i.e., flour, dry yeast, salt and water.

However, I added a lot more water than for baguette and the result was similar to ciabatta.


棗の植え替え Repotting Jujube



I bought a large Japanese jujube plant in August last year, which I kept on the upstairs balcony.  Since I need some space for other things, I wanted to bring it down to the garden.  So, I pruned the tree first in order to make it smaller and easier to carry.  Also, the pot was too large and too heavy, and I had to get rid of the soil as much as possible and bring the tree in the empty pot to downstairs.

When the tree arrived last year, it was the middle of summer, so I planted it just by adding soil to fill the pot, without disturbing the roots.  Today, I washed the roots thoroughly, leaving no soil among the roots.  I am glad I did it because the roots were holding a mass of clay soil - I never use clay in my gardening. 


The roots had one branch facing sideway, which had been cut off sometime in the past.  I myself cut it short at the red line for a reason.  When I took out 3 suckers in autumn last year, one of them was growing out of this root and it was almost impossible to get the sucker out safely.  In the end, the sucker came off with almost no roots.  Fortunately, it did not die, and it is surviving the winter in a pot.

As to the separated bit of root, I planted it in a pot just like a cutting from a tree branch.  It would be an interesting experiment to see if the root will start growing a green shoot.

I replanted the tree using the same old pot, but with entirely new soil.  By this time, it was after 4:30 p.m. and getting dark, so the photo is blurred.

In order to prevent the roots spreading all over the place, I placed cement blocks between the pot and the ground.

It was another warm day today.  While I was working, Taiga was fast asleep like a cat.
Hopefully, it will get warmer so that Taiga can spend more time outside.


クリスマスローズなど Christmas rose etc


Winter in Tokyo is the dry season, but it seems to have rained during the night.  Thanks to the rain, we had a warm day all day, with some humidity which is good for my throat.  We went out for a walk at 3 p.m. and passed by the road construction site near our home.  Looking at the scale on the wire fence, 

the temperature was as high as 16℃, while the humidity level was 45%.

もう少し丘の上に登り、池袋方面を見渡すと遠くにサンシャイン60ビルが見えました。わざわざ小竹向原駅まで行かなくても、地元の桜台からでも見えたのでした。しかも、気づいたのは、前回 小竹向原駅から見た高層ビル群はサンシャインとは離れたところにあるということでした。

Nearby, from a slightly higher point of the hill, I could see the Sunshine 60 Building in Ikebukuro.  When I looked in the same direction the other day from Kotake Mukaihara Station, I was mistaken about what I saw.  I now realise that the cluster of tall buildings are located away from Sunshine 60.

The buildings visible on the right of Sunshine are what I saw the other day, whereas Sunshine 60 stands alone.

On a closer look, the building stands with its side towards us, not the broader front or back of the building.  When I lived in Kanamecho, which was only one stop away from Ikebukuro, I was looking at the broader side of the building from my flat.  The reason why I am drawn to this building is that I always worked in the financial district (Marunouchi) when I was young and lived along the underground Yurakuho Line which takes you straight to Marunouchi.  (Even now, I live near a station of the Yurakucho Line.)  Since I spent most of my time working, the only fun I had at weekends was to do shopping in Ikebukuro, one of the largest shopping centres.

I looked into a flower shop on our way home and found a tiny Christmas rose plant.  It was cheap and inviting.

I think it is a seedling which means that there is no guarantee that the plant will produce flowers looking just like the one in the picture.  However, uncertainty is part of the fun when it comes to gardening.

Starting from this size, the plant may take 4,5 years to flower.

This is a home-grown seedling from one of the gold Christmas roses with double flowers that I had briefly (they all died within a few months of purchase).  After I noticed the tiny plant growing in the ground, it took about 7 years before flowering.

I relocated the plant in autumn last year, which might have upset the roots - I cannot find any flower stems now.

I bought this one on the internet in spring last year - a double, gold Christmas rose plant.  Although this was grown by a professional, it is still a seedling by cross breeding.
This plant had flowers in January last year, but I do not see any this year.  However, the plant has tripled in size after I bought it, so it is good news.

I grafted a scion from the potted limequat onto the Lisbon Lemon growing in the ground, in summer last year.  Soon, the scion started growing new branches, which was followed by flowers, and 8 young fruits.

However, the fruits came late, growing in autumn, so they are as small as normal kumquat.  When the potted limequat tree became mature, it started to grow larger fruits.  The only snag is that the fruit has seeds.  Nevertheless, this is a very useful citrus plant to have, since I can use the fruits for many months.


公園で At the park


We went out after 3 p.m. for a walk in the park.  We first arrived at the newest field which opened a few years ago.  This land used to be the terminal and HQ of a bus operating company, but now it is a part of Johoku Central Park.

This field being the newest addition, they treat it with lots of care - we never see a weed growing here, and the grass is always trimmed short.

The grass looks like carpet.  (This is an Asian variety of lawn.  It is resistant to tropical summer heat and monsoon humidity, but it goes dry and brown in winter.)

There arrives Curry, a male Shiba Inu.

Although Curry is several years younger than Taiga, they are good friends as if they grew up together.

When they approached us from behind, the first thing I heard was the little girl calling Taiga's name.  Only about a half year ago, she was being pushed in a baby cart.  Now, she runs with Curry and chatters freely.  I cannot believe that she is nearly 3 years old already.  Previously, we used to call her 'Curry's baby sister', but now we should be calling her 'Curry's big sis'.

After that, we headed for the dog park of the Johoku Central Park.


When we were standing outside of the dog park, a wolf dog came towards us.  A male puppy, nearly one year old, named Don.  He seems small for a wolf dog but, probably in order to alleviate potential worry on other owners' part, Don is wearing a muzzle.  I am looking forward to following his growth in the future.

Yamato, a male Shiba Inu joined us outside the dog park.  When he found us in this exact spot last time, he was with his mom.  Today, his big brother was taking him out for a walk.  Yamato's coat looks perfectly groomed.  When I rubbed all over his body, not a single hair came off.

Yamato is large for a Shiba Inu, almost the same size as Taiga who is not a small Kaiken.

He invites Taiga to play.

Omochi, a female White Shiba Inu, arrives wearing a rainbow-coloured outfit.
As a Shiba Inu, Omochi should not need a jacket.  However, she is recovering from an illness and, also, her coat is extremely short.  So, on a cold winter day, she looks comfortable in her attire.

Suddenly, Yamato started rubbing himself against the sandy ground.

Yamato's sand bath behaviour shocked us all, including passersby, which had no effect on him.
It was as if he was trying to claim his territory by rubbing his scent on the ground.

Getting covered with dirt all over.

A Jack Russell passing by took interest in Yamato's behaviour.

Suddenly, Omochi started to growl at the Jack Russell.  For her, Yamato and Taiga are members of her pack (although she is by far the youngest), and she cannot allow a stranger to poke his nose in her pack's business.  Only about 6 months ago, she was suffering from an illness, and she stayed quiet when we met.  Now, I am happy to see that her medication has worked wonders.

She dashed out towards the Jack Russell.

Jack Russell: Bring it on!  (They were both bluffing)

When Yamato gets home, I cannot imagine his mom's reaction.