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朝散歩 Morning Walk


We walked in the next district this morning, instead of going to the park.  We stopped at an empty plot where there was a persimmon tree with lots of fruits.  The last time we passed by, there was a cat which kept glaring at Taiga.  This morning, no cat and all peaceful.

This scenery evokes in me a nostalgic feeling - a persimmon tree with ripe fruits but with no leaves is so representative of Japanese autumn in the countryside.

As we were heading towards home, we came close to a house where an old lady was picking Yuzu fruits.  She turned around and beckoned me to come closer.  Then I remembered that it was around this time last year when I was stopped by this lady, and she invited me to take home a bag of Yuzu that she had just harvested.  As we started talking, we found out that we were from neighbouring prefectures in the Hokuriku region.  I do not know why, but she tried to speak to me in English as much as she could manage, then and now.  She would ask for my help when she did not know the words.  We laughed and talked about our common memories about the Hokuriku region.

As can be seen, this is a bumper year for her Yuzu tree.

As she did last year, she picked some sasanqua flowers from the tree next to the porch and put them in the bag of Yuzu.  Thank you!

Back home, I spread them in a bamboo colander.  I will make Yuzu jam with half of them, and the other half will be preserved in honey which will be very good for a sore throat in winter.