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レモン等 Lemon etc


On the upstairs balcony, Lisbon lemon (left) and Hoshi Tangor (right) each has two fruits growing.  For Hoshi Tangor, the balcony gets too hot during summer and leaves turn almost yellow.  So, the plant was kept inside the glass doors until late October.  This plant has never been re-potted since I got it many years ago, and the roots are probably in a weakened state.  Luckly, I successfully grafted a scion onto the Caracara orange tree growing in the ground during summer this year.  It took me several times to get it right, since this plant had hardly any round branches - this is probably due to the plant being unhealthy.


Lisbon lemon had countless young fruits in spring, but in the end only two of them survived.  I was so worried that too many young fruits might weaken the plant, so I picked many of them.  After all, the plant knew how many fruits it could support.  So, I am going to do nothing from next year.  Still, having only two fruits means that they are huge.

Hoshi Tangor's fruits are about the same size as those of the Lisbon lemon.  However, the harvesting time is April of the following year, and the fruits continue to grow slowly during the winter months.  This variety has a very delicate and beautiful taste.  I cannot understand why it is not distributed in shops.

The Emperor jujube has lost all the leaves and non-permanent branches.  Without them, it is easy to see that this tree is thornless.  Since there is little information on the internet, I do not know whether this variety is thornless, or if it is just this particular tree.  Whichever is the case, it is easier to look after the plant without thorns.

Taiga resting while waiting for lunch after the morning walk.  I know that she would rather sit outside looking at passersby but, given the freezing weather of the last few days, I hesitate to keep her outside, just in case strangers think I am not taking care of her properly.