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公園で At the Park


Yet another day with a blue sky.  When we left the house, the breeze was chilly but, by the time we arrived at the park, it was getting really warm due to the strong sun.

At the entrance of the park, we met Curry, a male Shiba Inu, whom we had not seen for a few months.  He is always happy to see us.

タイガと挨拶の後 私に投げかけた視線がいかにもオヤツを要求していたので、それには応えず別々の方角に向けて散歩を続行。
After greeting Taiga, Curry's eyes towards me were asking for a treat.  We both were just starting the walk in the park, so we parted to continue our walk without any treat.

As we walked through the woods, every time there was a breeze, autumn leaves showered down on us.
Such a beautiful sky and fresh breeze.

As we were walking along the river, we ran into a new friend whom we normally see during our evening walk in our neighbourhood.  A young Labrador-Cocker Spaniel cross, named George.  A breeder actually produces puppies with this combination.

George looks like a small Labrador, but I can see some Cocker Spaniel traits sometimes.  As to his personality, thanks to the combination of good-natured breeds, he is super friendly.


From time to time, I get a craving for crisps.  The small packets that are sold in the shop disappear in one sitting, so I made them myself today.  The bag on the left is with salt and Cajuns seasoning, and the one on the right is with salt and green seaweed.  After shaking the contents in the bag,

they will be kept in airtight Tupperware boxes.  I will go through them slowly after daily jogging.