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ナツメ新苗 New Jujube Plants


The jujube plants that I had ordered during summer arrived today.  This time, in addition to the two varieties I have always wanted to grow, I ordered another variety called Seedless Golden Thread jujube.  Re the two varieties, the plants sent to me were always in a diabolical state - they were either dead or absolutely rootless.

This time, the plants seem reasonably clean with no pockmarks made by insects, etc.  They look like they were grown by a different nursery.

Early Crisp King jujube: fresh eating variety

Pan jujube (Panzao): fresh eating variety

Seedless Golden Thread jujube: both for fresh eating and drying

After removing the bag and soil, I washed the roots in a bucket of water.

左から、蟠棗、七月早脆王、無核大金糸です。左端の蟠棗は、土を徹底的に洗い落とされる輸入苗にしては満足な根っこだと思います。真ん中の七月早脆王の根は申し分ない量。右端の無核大金糸の根は、  まあ、これで頑張ってみます。写真写りは悪いけど、短いヒゲみたいなのがついているので。 今度こそ、苗に育って欲しいです。
From left to right, Panzao, Early Crisp King, and Seedless Golden Thread.  Considering that these roots were thoroughly washed before being allowed into Japan, the roots of Panzao look reasonable.  As to the one in the middle, I am more than happy.  Regarding the one on the right, I will have to make do with this.  In the photo, it looks worse, but it does have some short roots.

I slightly trimmed the long roots of Early Crisp King, in order to fit them into the deep pot (extreme left).  The other two varieties were planted in pots with less depth, to ensure good drainage.  They are all 30 cm diameter pots.