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菊など Chrysanthemums etc


The typhoon No. 25 has dissipated into a tropical depression somewhere near Taiwan.  As a result, the weather in Tokyo has started to improve, but it was rather humid all day today.

帰り道の途中、古い家を取り壊した後 再開発中の場所を通りかかったら、この溝が目にとまりました。小学校の地理の教科書に出て来た「関東ローム層」の赤い粘土質の土です。
On our way home, we passed by a construction site where a large old house used to stand.  When I saw this ditch, it reminded me of the geography textbook at elementary school which told us of the loamy earth beneath the Kanto region.  I was living on the other side of the island then, where the soil was dark and rich, suitable for agriculture.

表土は黒くても、25cmほど掘ると後はこの粘土です。園芸で使う赤玉土もこれで作られているそうですが、あれは加工した後のものであって、自分の庭でこの土のまま果樹を育てようとすると根っこが窒息してしまいます。なので、うちの駐車スペースのコンクリを剥がして園芸用にしたとき、半年以上 生ごみや落ち葉を漉き込んで耕し続けました。城北公園の管理室で許可をとって、公園の厚く体積した落ち葉(腐葉土)をチャリで持ち帰って漉き込む、の繰り返しでした。今ではすっかり黒土になっていますが、それでも台所の生ごみは容器にためておいては順繰りにあちこち埋めています。
After you dig about 25cm, the loamy soil starts, and this was the problem I faced when I decided to turn my parking space into a garden with fruit trees.  The soil was as hard as concrete, and I could not dig into it with my shovel, let alone for a fruit tree's roots to survive.  So, I got permission from the management office of the Johoku Park to collect old leaves - there were piles of humus everywhere in the park.  Together with the rotten leaves, I ploughed in all of my kitchen garbage, in order to make the soil softer and richer.  After doing this for more than 6 months, from spring to autumn, the soil was much better suited for gardening.  Even now, I recycle my kitchen garbage in the garden.


Taiga looking relaxed after coming home.  The yellow edible chrysanthemum is at its peak of flowering.  It is too pretty to use it for eating purpose, so I just enjoy looking at it.

The pink aster is in full bloom.  Starting from about 5cm, and just 5 of them, it has grown vigorously.  It already has new shoots for next year, near the roots.

The pink edible chrysanthemum has started to boom at last.

This is the plant I bought last year, as an addition to the then existing ones.  Due to the extreme summer this year, only this one and another one I bought last year have survived.

This is the edible chrysanthemum I got last winter, but the seller did not know the variety's name.

The early flowering variety that was here until recently has already finished and now this pot stands in front of the house.  Taiga is seen loitering behind the gate, hoping to be allowed out.

It is Sunday today, when we have people passing by, so she will stay inside.